Accidental Confession

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"Okay, Sonic. You can do this. Just go up to him, and ask him to join you for a race before tonight!" Sonic thought, his heart beating wildly, as he stared at his former rival, Shadow the Hedgehog, while he chatted casually with Maria. "It doesn't have to be a date right now, just a regular thing where we can spend time together. Maybe with enough time of doing that, I'll be able to work up the nerve to actually tell Shadow that I love him."

But no matter how much he wanted to, he just couldn't do it.

With a sigh, Sonic turned around to head back home, when Maria suddenly spotted him, and waved him over with a gentle smile.

Not wishing to ignore the sweet girl, and always wanting to hang out with Shadow, Sonic hesitantly walked over to join them.

"Hey, guys." He greeted shyly, his emerald gaze locked on Shadow, who turned away with a huff.

"Hello, Sonic! Don't mind Shadow. He's just in one of his moods." Maria giggled, hugging the ebony hedgehog tightly.

Shadow groaned. "Seriously, Maria?"

"What? You're cute when you're embarrassed!" The girl stated, smiling gently.

Sonic smiled too.

He loved seeing how close Shadow and Maria were, but really hoped that one day, he could be the one hugging Shadow like that.

They may not be rivals anymore, and becoming friends, but the hybrid still didn't usually let anyone besides Maria and sometimes, Rouge, get that close to him.

"So, what's been going on with you, Sonic?" Maria asked, turning to look at him. "Have you thought about inviting anyone to watch tonight's meteor shower with you? It's supposed to be extra special for couples!"

Sonic didn't notice the way Shadow's ears perked up at that.

"Uh, n-no. I... Well, there is one Mobian that I'd like to go with, but I don't think they would be interested." Sonic muttered, a light blush forming on his muzzle, as he focused on digging his shoe into the dirt.

Maria's eyes lit up, and she clasped her hands together dreamily.

"Ask them!" She exclaimed eagerly. "You won't know if you don't try, and it would be the perfect chance for you to confess your feelings for them too!"

Sonic's blush darkened.

"I-I never said I had feelings for them." He replied quietly.

"You didn't have to. It's obvious!" The girl sighed happily. "Shadow and I are planning to go for old time sake since we used to stargaze all the time back on the Ark, but I keep telling him that he needs to ask his crush to go with him."

Sonic's heart immediately sank as soon as he heard that. Shadow already had a crush on someone?

"Maria!" Shadow hissed, glaring at her halfheartedly. "He didn't need to know about that!"

"But he'll find out eventually, Shadow! Especially if you ever-"

Before Maria could finish her sentence though, Shadow grabbed her hand, and interrupted.

"Okay, that's it. He doesn't need to know the details!" He snapped urgently.

"But Shadow-"

"Nope! Time for us to go. Bye, Faker!"

And with that, Shadow disappeared with Maria. Leaving Sonic completely confused, but also saddened and curious as to who it is that Shadow loved.


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