Arranged Marriage

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A/N: This is a royalty AU, so naturally, I imagine it taking place in the Sonic Underground universe. Just add Shadow into it, and there you go.

"Aren't you excited, Sonic? You'll finally be getting married to Sally! This is a big day!" Sonic's mom, Queen Aleena, exclaimed happily, as she adjusted her son's tie.

But Sonic didn't respond.

Instead, he only stared blankly at his reflection in the mirror, no trace of excitement or happiness to be seen anywhere.

Aleena sighed, shaking her head.

"Don't tell me you're still thinking about that Black Arms alien. He isn't right for you. You are both males, and he is a villain. So it can't happen." She stated firmly, placing her hands on her hips.

Sonic felt his eyes filling with tears, and suddenly whirled around to face his mom.

"You can't tell me who is or isn't right for me!" He snapped angrily. "Shadow is no villain, he's amazing! And who cares if we're both guys?! Once you break through his cold exterior, you find out that he's really one of the sweetest people out there. He doesn't do this often, but when he smiles or laughs, it lights up my world. I'm always thinking about him, or dreaming about him when I close my eyes at night. I admire how he always speaks his mind, and doesn't back down from a challenge. I also love how protective he can get, even at the smallest possible threat."

Sonic took a deep breath, glaring at the woman who had always been more of a queen than a mom in his opinion.

"He's honestly the hedgehog of my dreams, and to think that I'll ever be happy with anyone else is insane!" He finished, crossing his arms with a huff.

Aleena was stunned for a minute before her eyes narrowed, and she frowned.

"That's quite enough Sonic." She replied coldly. "Normally I would see to it that you are happy because you are my son and I do love you. But this is too much. He is a member of the Black Arms. A horrible alien race that will not hesitate to destroy anything or anyone in their path."

"Shadow isn't like that!" Sonic exclaimed, glaring at her. "He-"

But Aleena held up a hand to silence him, and continued.

"By marrying Princess Sally, you will not only be securing an alliance between our kingdom and hers, but will ensure that our bloodline will stay royal, and that we will get an heir someday. This is not up for debate."

Sonic crossed his arms, and turned away.

"Well that's a load of crap!" He growled, Aleena looking shocked at his outburst. The speedster didn't care though.

"But fine, whatever. Just don't expect me to fall in love with her because we're forced to get married. I'm only doing this because I don't have a choice in the matter. My heart will only ever truly belong to Shadow." He added sharply, hating that he couldn't go against her orders.

"Sonic-" Aleena tried again, only for him to glare at her.

"No! You've said all I need to hear. Now leave me alone. I have a forced wedding to get ready for after all." He hissed, turning away once more.

With a sigh, his mom gave in, and left the room. And the moment she did, Sonic broke down.

Sitting down on his bed, he began to cry. The pain he felt in his heart knowing that he'd never get to be with the one he truly loved becoming too much to bear.


Shadow had heard everything.

He'd been on his way to see his boyfriend that day to ask if the rumors he heard about the wedding were true, but now he didn't need to.

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