It's A Dull World Without You

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A/N: This is the Soulmate AU where you can only see in grey tones, until meeting your destined partner.

"Come on, Hun. How do you expect to ever find your Soulmate if you never open up to anyone?" Rouge asked, trying to pull Shadow out from his dark thoughts as she pulled him towards his bedroom door.

"Will you just drop it already, you pesky Bat?!" Shadow hissed, yanking his arm free. "I keep telling you that I don't have a Soulmate, nor do I want one. Besides, there's no way someone would ever want to be with anyone such as myself even if I do!"

Rouge rolled her eyes with an annoyed huff.

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Shadow! Sure you can be moody and anti social, but you have so many amazing qualities! You're kind and compassionate when you choose to be, protective, strong, brave, determined, and a great listener! I just know there's someone out there who is meant for you. Why not try to find them? If you don't, you'll spend your whole life wondering what you missed out on, and how the world looks in color!"

But the ebony hedgehog only turned away.

"It's not worth it, Rouge. I don't know how else to put it. Besides, even if I have to go on until the world ends without seeing color, that would be better than losing them when I inevitably outlive everyone." Shadow replied flatly, his tone emotionless. "I'm also sure that if I do have a Soulmate, they could find someone else. Ever heard the theory that you have more than one?"

"Of course, but that doesn't mean they'd be happier with someone else than they would be with you! You're the one they're supposed to be with. And who knows? They could be immortal like you, or someone will find a way to make immortality more common! There's a reason Soulmates are a thing. Why do you think so many relationships fail before someone finds the one they want to marry?" Rouge asked, placing a hand on her hip.

Shadow didn't respond to that, choosing instead to just teleport somewhere else, and get away from his roommate.

He knew she meant well, but he just didn't see the point in having a significant other.

Shadow was sure that whoever his was, they would flee the moment that they found out more about him, and everything bad he'd ever done.


Sonic stared wide eyed at his brother, and the rabbit girl that he was holding hands with. Cream was her name.

Yes he was happy that Tails had found his Soulmate, and the way his eyes lit up when he was describing how colorful the world was, was truly heartwarming.

Even so, the blue hedgehog couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Ever since first finding out what a Soulmate was, he'd always wanted to find his.

Someone kind, protective, brave, strong, and possibly a speedster like himself.

Sonic knew it was unlikely that last ability would be a trait his partner would have, seeing as he'd never met another Mobian able to match his speed, but a hedgehog could always dream.

Sighing, he congratulated his brother on finding his perfect match, welcomed Cream to their family, and then decided to go out for a run.

He needed to try and distract himself from his thoughts, and usually, running did the trick.


It did not work this time.

Sonic ran for what felt like hours, all around Green Hill, through Emerald Coast and the forest, past Twinkle Park, and through Station Square.

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