Love At First Sight

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Shadow grumbled irritably to himself, as he followed Rouge around the city. Going from shop to shop, while she talked excitedly about her latest date with Knuckles.

He honestly could care less about how her relationship was going, and had told her as much. But she didn't care, and just continued on with her story.

"Where's a world threatening scheme to stop when you actually want one?" Shadow thought, completely bored out of his mind. "More importantly, how do I stop Rouge from dragging me with her on her shopping sprees?! Anything would be better than this!"

"... so then I was like 'Seriously? Hun, if I still wanted the Master Emerald, I would have taken it by now!' Can you believe it? We've been together for almost three years at this point, and he still doesn't trust me enough to leave me alone with it!" Rouge was saying, placing a hand on her hip with an annoyed huff.

Shadow rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, maybe because you're a known jewel thief?" He responded dryly. "Honestly, just because you've stopped stealing now, it doesn't mean he'll just suddenly start trusting you with that rock."

"That's beside the point, Shadow! You'd think that he and I have been together long enough now for him to start trusting me more!" Rouge exclaimed with a pout. "Like you just said, I still love gems yes, but I don't steal them anymore."

Shadow scoffed. "Whatever. Just stop venting about your relationship problems to me, will you? I've said it multiple times, and I'll say it again, I don't care!"

At that, Rouge smirked, turning to Shadow, and poking him in the shoulder.

"Are you sure you're not just jealous, Handsome? When was the last time you ever went on a date?" She asked teasingly.

Growling, Shadow shoved her away from him, and glared at her coldly.

"I'm not jealous! And for your information, I've never gone on a date, and I don't ever plan to. Who needs a relationship anyway? Not me! I'd just end up outliving him anyway." He replied in a matter of fact manner, and turning away from his companion.

"Him?" Rouge questioned, her smile widening. "You never told me that you're gay!"

The ebony hedgehog immediately tensed after realizing his mistake before turning back to her with one of the harshest glares she'd ever seen on him.

And that said something for Shadow.

"There's a reason for that. But say anything else about it, and you're as good as dead!" He hissed, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.

Rouge held up her hands in surrender.

"Calm down, Hun! I'm not making fun of you. I just wish you would have told me sooner! There are plenty of cute guys I've met that I could introduce you to if you want.~" She replied with a giggle, as she watched Shadow's face turn bright red.

Although she wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment, or anger. Possibly both.

"No way!" Shadow snapped, trying to force his burning cheeks to cool down, and his blush to go away. "I definitely don't need you prying into my love life."

"Or lack thereof." Rouge laughed, running into a nearby clothing store before Shadow could grab her.

With a low and dangerous sounding growl, Shadow just turned away, and walked over to a nearby bench to wait for her.

"That bat had better thank her lucky stars I actually care about her, or she would be done for!" He thought angrily, Chaos Energy beginning to crackle around him.

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