Love Letter

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"So, when are you going to tell him how you feel?" Rouge asked, watching as Shadow continued to stare at Sonic from across the park.

"Never." Shadow replied bluntly. "I know he doesn't feel the same, and it would be pointless. Just look at how that psycho stalker is clinging to him. No matter what anyone says, I'm thinking that he'll end up with her."

His friend sighed.

"You and I both know that Amy isn't the one for him, Shadow. Her possessiveness is proof enough of that. And how do you know he wouldn't feel the same? It's definitely possible seeing as you two have gotten a lot closer lately." She stated in a matter of fact manner.

"Tch, please. Just because we no longer consider each other rivals, doesn't mean we'll become lovers." Shadow shot back irritably, crossing his arms.

"You'll have to tell him one of these days, Hun." Rouge stated softly. "If you don't, you'll miss your chance, and have to live your life seeing the one you love end up with someone else. Are you really okay with that?"

Shadow paused after hearing that, and looked back over at The Blue Blur. His eyes filling with tears at the idea of him with someone else.

"I-It wouldn't matter how I feel..." He replied after a moment. "Sonic is a hero, while I'm just known as his rival, and a villain. He deserves someone better than me."

"Shadow, that's not-" Rouge started, but the hedgehog wouldn't hear it.

"Still, I do need to get my feelings off my chest in order to try and move on, so I'll just leave him a letter. Maybe then I can clear my thoughts about him, and forget about him." Shadow continued, pulling the green Chaos Emerald out of his quills.

"No! That's the exact opposite of what you need to do!" Rouge cried, reaching out to try and stop him.

But it was too late.

Shadow disappeared in a flash of light.


Sonic arrived home later that night after a day spent fighting Eggman, enjoying chili dogs, hanging with his friends, and of course, brushing off Amy's attempts to get him out on a date with her.

He was trying to be patient. Hoping that this silly crush of hers would go away as she got older, but it hadn't, and truth be told, it was beginning to make him dislike her.

A lot.

However, he couldn't flat out tell her to back off because he wasn't interested. She'd throw a fit, demanding to know why, and then he'd be forced to tell her that he was gay, and already in love with someone.

"Yeah, that definitely wouldn't cause her to lose it..." He thought, his head beginning to pound with an oncoming headache at the prospect of dealing with her craziness.

Suddenly, Sonic's attention was brought out from his previous thoughts, when he noticed an envelope laying on his porch.

It was cream colored, with a red seal on the front, and addressed to him.

The blue hedgehog eyed it curiously before then picking it up, and going inside to read it.

Once in his room, Sonic sat down on his bed, carefully tore the envelope open, unfolded the letter, and began to read the neat hand writing.

And as he did so, a dark blush spread across his muzzle.

My Dearest Sonic,

When I first met you, I had no idea you would become this important to me.

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