1. Interrogation

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"Could you give us a description of the man who kidnapped you, miss?" The detective asks, glancing up at me from his notepad. 

'Uhm. Yes Sir, about nine inches of very, detailed, description' I think to myself, trying not to snicker. 

"No, sir," I reply. "As I have previously stated, the room that he kept me in was dark, he wore a mask, he never spoke, and I was drugged most of the time I was there."

He nods, leaning back in his swivel chair. "Alright, so let's go over your story one more time, and you can tell me if it all sounds right. You were at a party with your friend, eleven months ago. You were drugged, stolen for ransom, and kept in a house in the middle of the woods. You never saw the man in the light, never heard him speak, and were never able to collect any physical information about him. You escaped several nights later when he didn't properly lock your door. You were too drugged to even remember what the house looked like, inside or out. You ran through the woods for hours until you reached the highway. You flagged down a car, driven by a man named Jacob Martinez. He brought you back to his home, where he lives with three other men- Bryan Harris, Eric Wilson, and Stefan Hernandez, and a woman who goes by the name of Sage Anderson, who was also the victim of a kidnapping scandal much like the one you are describing. Another one of the men named Bryan, found her on a different part of the highway. Neither of you girls reported this to the local police because you were afraid that if you unveiled the kidnapper, he would come find you, and murder you. She stated this in her interview, too. You fell in love with Mr. Martinez, and your mother was abusive to you, so you decided to stay where you were. You are now carrying the child of Mr.Martinez, and the two of you are soon to be married."

I nod. "That sounds correct," I reply, concealing how nervous I am. I feel so stupid. The moment that the police caught wind of the fact that I had enrolled in online classes for college, and began using my insurance to go to my baby's doctor appointments, they easily tracked me down. They had tried to do the same with Sage, too, but she had only gone to the hospital, once, and that was when she gave birth to Waylon. We had to sit down and form some kind of crazy, elaborate, story to make sure that the police didn't find out about the guys' dirty little secret. They have interviewed Bryan, Stefan, Eric, Sage, Jacob, and even Nicole, Stefan's girlfriend, several times. Nicole was completely lost, and clueless, though. She knows nothing of the guys' messed-up scams. We plan to keep it that way. 

"Alright, Miss Johnson," the man sighs, pushing himself up from his chair. "This concludes our interview. This should be our last unless we pick up any leads on the man who took you. We may then bring you back in for further questioning, or place you, and your friends in a witness protection program. Other than that, you are free to go," he says, smiling at me for the first time since I have met him. 

I hop up from the chair and shake his hand. "Thank you so much for your time, and concern, Detective Allen. It was nice meeting you, and I appreciate you helping."

He chuckles. "No problem. Have a good day."

I drop his hand, and nod. Trying to act like I'm not itching to get out of this tiny room. "Thank you, you too." 

When I exit back into the outside world, I inhale a deep breath of fresh air, feeling a little bit of my anxiety from all of those questions melt away. 

"Hey," I hear a deep, familiar voice exclaim. I turn to see Jacob leaning against the side of his black SUV. He waves at me, grinning. 

My heart skips a beat, seeing him. Even now, he still has that kind of effect on me. "Hey," I say, smiling as I make my way over to him. 

He walks over to me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. "There's my girl," he says, giving me a gentle peck on my lips. "And there's my other girl," he says, chuckling as he places his hand over my growing belly. I'm a little over five months along, and we just found out the sex about a week ago. 

I giggle. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Angel," he says, just before leaning closer and speaking quietly into my ear. "Did it go okay? Did they buy it?"

I nod and whisper back to him. "Yes, I think that he found it a little hard to believe, but once we reviewed the story, he let it go. I think we are clear for now."

He scoffs. "Hopefully for good, come on. Let's go." 

I pull away and gaze up at him puzzled. "Go where?"

"Me, you, and the crew are meeting up at the new restaurant downtown to celebrate Sage, and Bryan moving into their new home," he replies.

"Oh," I exclaims. "I am down for food. I think a certain baby in my belly is hungry, too." I say rubbing a small circle on my little bump.

Jacob grins at me. "Let's get going then, Angel. I'll drive."

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