16. Everything

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"Bryan is talking to Jacob now," I say, walking over to Stefan, who sits on one of the green, waiting room chairs.

He nods. "Good. He's telling him about Jess?"

"Yeah," I reply quickly, staring down at my hands.

It's quiet for a moment until Stfean draws in a deep breath. When he exhales, he glances over me too. "Do you want to go take a drive?"

I grit my teeth, nervously, and then find his gaze and nod. Why am I so nervous to be alone with him right now? Is it because I know that once there is no one else around, we will have to talk? What is he going to want to talk about?

I follow Stefam out to his car. He opens the door for me, and I slide in. Once he started the vehicle up, we ate on the road in seconds. "Anywhere in particular, you want to go?" I ask, staring straight ahead.

"No," He replies, quietly. "I'm happy wherever you are."

My cheeks begin to warm at his words. "Can we somewhere to park? I ask, finally glancing over to him. 

We drive for a couple more miles down the road in silence, until Stefan pulls the car over at an overlook. We both step out of the car, and I plop down beside him in the cool grass. Moments pass. I gaze up at the sky, zoning out on every tiny star, and a smile crosses my face. 

"You are so beautiful," Stefan murmurs.

I look over to see his eyes focused not on the night sky, but on me instead. With a breathy nervous laugh, I shake my head. "I'm getting huge, and I've been living in a hospital for the last two weeks. I'm a mess."

I watch Stefan as he studies me for a moment with a thoughtful expression on his face. "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you- Strong, sexy, brave, funny, caring, smart. You're everything. Mya, everything."

I feel my throat become dry as any possible response leaves my mind. I think for a few seconds, and then our eyes meet again. "Stefan, I feel like we need to talk about where this going."

Stefan's smile falls a little, and he answers with a solemn nod. "I know, I think I was just trying to enjoy these moments where it's just us."

My eyes close, and I drop my head, trying not to become overly emotional. "These moments are nice," I say, speaking barely above a whisper. "I don't want to let go of them. I want more moments with you. You make the simplest tines the best."

It's silent again, and then Stefan sighs. "I'm sorry that I acted so weird when you told me that Jess lied about Jacob being the father. I should have been happier for you. I'm sure you're probably really relieved."

My eyes open, and slowly. I glance back up at him. "I was mostly just angry that Jessica could be so childish. Why did you seem kind of-" I cut off, trying to find the right word. "Disappointed?"

He sighs. "Jacob is awake, and he's back to being his old self. I'm sure that he will learn from this experience, and now that he isn't having a second baby with another woman, things for the two of you can go back to normal. As soon as you texted me that he had woken up, but couldn't even remember that you were pregnant, I began to think that you would leave him for me. The moment that you told me Jess's baby wasn't his, though," He lets out a soft, laugh, closing his eyes. "I knew it was over for us, I'm back to being second best."

I feel my heart sink. "Why would you just assume that? Jacob may be back to his old self, but just because he forgot doesn't mean I have. He can learn from this, but who is to say that this won't happen again? What makes you think that he won't just up, and quit his meds again?"

"But, what if beginning with Jacob is better for Emma?" Stefan asks, giving me a serious expression. 

My eyes flicker down to the grass. "That's what makes this decision so hard. In a perfect world, I would be with you. In reality, though, I have my daughter to think about. I've been battling this in my mind for the past couple of weeks. Who says being with Jacob is what's best for her though?"

Stefan laughs, lying down beside me. "You do not want to be in the house at night when they are both there.'

My face contorted with a mock disgusted expression, and then I continued. "Sage and Bryan are going to be in her life. Waylon will be like a big cousin to her. Now that I have patched things up with my mom, she will have a grandma, and then there's you. I'm not going to ask you to be her dad, I don't want to put that responsibility on you, but Stfean you would be an amazing father figure to Emma. If you are ready for that." I roll to my side, facing Stefan as I prop myself on my elbow. 

He mirrors me, and I try to make sense of the odd expression. He almost looks confused. "So," He says, hesitating. "You don't think that it would be that bad if you weren't with Jacob?"

I smile. "I think that it would be healthier for Emma to see her mother in a loving, and happy relationship, rather than one where I stayed with her father just because she was born." Guilt edges in the back of my mind for my decisions. Stefan is who is best for Emma and, I both. 

A few seconds pass, and Stefan grins. "So are we-" He trails off, trying not to seem awkward. I giggle at how cute he is. He laughs along with me, looking away, nervously. "Arw we together now?"

I gaze deeply into his bright, blue eyes, taking in his messy, blond hair, and his goofy grin that I have grown to love so much. My heart begins to pound faster as I lean closer to him, and just before our lips meet, I reply. "Of course, Stefan. I'm yours only."

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