15. Baby Mama Drama

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One of the doctors rushes back with me, and I sit in the corner, texting the others to let them know that Jacob is awake. The doctor and a couple of nurses check Jacobs's vitals again, the stats of his monitors, and ask him question after question of how is feeling, and how early back he can remember.

When they leave, I nervously make my way across the room, stopping beside his bed. To my surprise, his hand comes up to my belly, rubbing small circles on the side of it. "The doctors told me that my memory loss goes as far back as around six months, according to the last month I remember living through."

I nod. "Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm almost six months pregnant."

He glances up at me, his eyes meeting mine as he continues to caress my baby bump. "Is it a boy or a girl?

I try smiling, "It's a girl,"

His eyes fall back down to my belly as he grins. "Can we name her Clair?" It was my grandma's name. She died when I was younger, but she was the best. She would have loved you."

"I already named her Emma, after Eric's mom," I say, giving him an apologetic expression, "Do you like that?"

He lets out a weak laugh. "Emma Clair Sommers. That's beautiful, I hope she looks like you."

I hold my smile, fighting back the tears. He doesn't even know that we aren't together anymore. "I love that, it's beautiful."

"I love you," He replies, smiling up to me. I was free, not knowing what to say to this. I can't lead him on. I can't just not tell him. "What?" He asks, looking up at me, as I take a step back, causing his hand to fall from my belly. 

"Jacob," I say hesitating. "Over the last six months, you stopped taking your meds."

His face grows serious as he clenches his jaw. "Why?"

I shake my head, glancing down, "I don't know, but you did. That's when everything started going downhill. You cheated on me with Jessica. She is pregnant now, too, but no one has heard from her in weeks. You broke up with me and kicked me out. You overdosed on your meds and smashed your SUV into a tree. That's why you are here. We aren't together anymore, Jacob." I glance back up at him. His face is contorted with a horrified expression. "I'm sorry," I say, my voice cracking.

"B-But, I don't remember doing that," He says, zoning out. "There's no way, I didn't do that."

A tear escapes my eyes. "You did Jacob,"

"No," He says, raising his voice. "Tell me I didn't do that to you, please tell me that this isn't real," He begs, gripping the hospital sheets.

I step forward, staring down at him. "I-I wish I could, Jacob, b-but" I shake my head, not knowing what else to say.

"It's not real," Jacob, chokes out. "I would never do that to you, especially not if we were having a baby."

My bottom lip trembles. "We were engaged," I say speaking barely above a whisper. It's all I can manage. 

"We were engaged?" Jacob asks, repeating my words. I nod and look away. I can't stand to see the expression on his face for even a second longer. It's tearing me apart inside. "Where do you live now? he asks.

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