8. Bad Vibes

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About six hours into the road trip, I can feel myself dozing off in the back seat. Stefan glances back at me, breaking away from his conversation with Eric. "You sleepy?" He asks, smiling.

I return the smile, rubbing my baby bump with my eyes half-closed. "Yeah, a little."

He nods, "Do you want to stop for food?"

"No, I'm okay. I just want to get there, and get this over with."

"Are you nervous?" Eric asks from behind the wheel.

I sigh. "I don't know, kind of, I guess."

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I slide it out. I nearly toss it out the window when I see who it's from. 

* Jacob: I'm sorry about earlier.

I grit my teeth and get back.

* Mya: And that's all you sorry about?

* Jacob: No. You know how I am, though.

I roll my eyes, letting them sink deeply into the back of my head as I hold back a groan. Is he serious right now? 

* Mya: You think that is going to fix it this time?

* Jacob: No, but I hope that it can be a start. I shouldn't have cheated. I haven't been taking my meds right now, and you know how I am when I don't take any meds.

* Mya: As a grown-ass man, you should know to take your medicine. That is not an excuse, and neither is being drunk. The fact is that you never cared about anything more than sex in the first place, and you didn't want to be alone. The man I saw come through the door last night is not a man I want around MY daughter. clean your act up, if you want to be a part of her life."

I hit Send on the message, and Eric glances at me in the rearview mirror. "You okay, Mya? You look pissed."

I huff, Jacobs, texting me. 

Stefan glances back, "Do you want me to call him, and tell him to leave you alone?"

I shake my head. "No, I've had this handled."

Stefan gazes at me for a moment longer, and I can't seem to tear myself away from his eyes. They are almost hypnotic, and the raging storm inside me begins to calm. 

"Look, guys!" Eric exclaims breaking Stefan, and i eyes away from each other's. "We're passing the state sign! We are finally here!"

I grin, staring out the window. "God, I missed it here," I say excitedly. "Just about an hour to my house now."

"And it will be the largest hour I have ever driven," Eric says, throwing his head back dramatically. 

I giggle, throwing my arms around the seat to hug him. "You're the best."

The rest of the ride is spent singing to music, loudly and terribly, anxiously waiting to get out of the car. 

"It's that one," I say, pointing over to the right. We pull into the driveway, and I step out, looking around. "Not much has changed, but I'm not sure whose car that is in the driveway," I mumble, eyeing the newer, red, Toyota, parked in the spot where my mom's old car used to be. 

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