14. Issues

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At some point during the drive back, my sobs turned into silent tears, and then, several hours later, I was still awake, still curled up in Lindsey's lap. She notices me stir and her hand goes back to brushing through my hair. "Hey," She says, speaking softly. 

I don't respond for a moment. Visions of Jacob flash in the back of my mind, flickering like an old picture film. I think of nights that we laughed together, cuddling in bed, with our naked bodies intertwined, ditting each other perfectly. I think of mornings when we would go out to eat together, and days when we would waste away at home, watching tv and just being together. I think of days that I would go to therapy appointments with him for his mental health. Those were days when we still had hope, why can't we go back to those days? Why can't I just remember what hope feels like? 

"Hey," I whisper, responding to her, emotionless. 

"We are here," Eric says, slowing as he pulls into a parking lot. 

The car comes to a halt, and then Stefan glances back at me. "Can we talk before you go in?"

I slowly rise and glance back at him. "Sure," I say in an almost inaudible voice. 

"Eric, and I will go ahead and go in," Lindsey says, looking over to Eric, hinting for him to follow her as she opens her door. 

They both get out, and the car falls silent until Stefan speaks. "I just wanted to say before we go in that I love you."

I feel my chest tighten, "I can't do this right now, Stefan. I'm sorry-"

"Wait," He says, cutting me off. "That wasn't all I was going to say." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Mya, I love you, and thats why I want to let you know that whatever happens in this hospital between you, and Jacob stays between the two of you. I won't ask about it, and I won't pry. You told her mom that I was your boyfriend, that was nice to hear, but the situation is different now. I understand that, I'm sure you are a mess inside. Just take your time, and like I told you before I will always be here waiting for you."

Tears have already started to fill my eyes. "Thank you, Stefan," I whisper. "I don't know how things are going to change when we walk through those doors, but before they do," A shaky breath leaves my lips. "I'm not in love with you, I haven't given myself enough time to be, yet. There is a part of me that loves you though, and never wants to lose you."

Stefan turns away just before a tear can escape his crystal blue eyes. "You'll never lose me, Mya. I'm yours, I have been since the first day we met."

Without another word, I slide out of the car and rush into the hospital. I can't stand to be around Stefan for another second right now. When I enter the waiting room, I walk straight to the front desk just after nodding at Eric, Lindsey, and Bryan sitting in chairs over in the corner. 

"Hello, I'm here to visit Jacob Sommers," I say to the older lady behind the window behind the desk. 

"Okay, give me a just moment." She says, checking something on her desktop. She glances back at me. "Are you about Mr. Sommers?" She asks, glancing back at me. 

I nod. "We are engaged, I'm pregnant with his baby."

I see her eyes soften, and she gives me a sympathetic look. "He's in room 203, on the second floor."

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