11. Plan B

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Stefan and I spent the next few hours practically clawing at the walls, looking for any way possible to escape. Stefan even tried his best to bend the bars on the window to no avail. When we realize that the solid metal door is the only way to possibly exit, though, we collapse back onto the little metal cot. 

"I can't believe that this is happening," I mumble.

Stefan lets out a deep sigh, pulling me close to his chest. "If we had never taken you, this wouldn't be happening."

I curl into him, thinking. After a moment, I look up to him, gazing into if bright, blue eyes. "That's true, but honestly, I think I only have one regret. I only have one thing I would have changed."

His hand comes up, smoothing some hair off of my forehead. "What is it?" He asks.

"I would have gone through with my plan to escape the house." As I say this, his smile falls a little. "But, when I left, I would have taken you with me. Emma would be yours, and I would have never had to go through all this shit with Jacob. I would have never hurt you, I should have given you a chance from the beginning. You're the one that I should have shared everything with."

He lets out a soft laugh, running the tips of his fingers under the edge of my shirt, across my bare skin. I shiver a little from the sensation of his tender touch. "If only we could turn back time, huh?" He pauses for a moment. "I would have ran with you. We could have left this whole mess behind, but Mya, what made you make up your mind so fast? Are you sure you are ready for a relationship?"

I stare up at Stefan, picturing the way that he shoved me behind him, and stood in front of the gun to protect Emma and me. My heart skins into my stomach. "I'm not ready to move very fast," I say. "But, the moment that bitch pulled the trigger, every second that we have ever spent together flashed through my mind, and just the thought of never begin able to see you again. Smiling, and laughing, or rambling about random things-" I cut off, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "That was terrifying, Stefan. I don't want to waste another day not letting you know how I feel. Losing my mom, and almost losing you all in the same day made me realize that no one ever had as much time as they think they do."

Stefan lets out a soft chuckle as he pulls me to him, tighter. "All I had to do to get you to admit that was jump in front of a gun? I should have done it sooner."

I roll my eyes at him, laughing. "Shut up," I mumble just before he presses his lips to mine. 

He kisses me gently for a moment. It was not a hot, and passionate kiss, like the one from earlier though. It's loving and gentle. Our lips part, not even an inch. He grazes his thumb across my jawline, softly rubbing his nose against mine. "We can go as slow as you need, baby girl. You set the pace."

I press my lips to him again, longing to feel him closer, and closer with every passing second. I get so lost in his lips that I don't even hear the door open. 

"Hey guys!" A man's voice exclaims from the other side of the room.

Stefan jerks away from me quickly, sitting up."Why are we here?" He snaps, realizing that my father has entered the room.

He laughs as he speaks. "What do you mean silly boy? I brought you guys here so we could all be a family."

I stare at him, confused. "but, why did you have to sedate us, and lock us up to do that?"

His expression darkens, and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck raises. This man is even more bipolar than Jacob. "So you couldn't try, and leave me like your mother did. She took you from me when you were just a nanny, and now you are pregnant with a beautiful baby girl, and I have a chance to start over."

My stomach flips. "But, Dad," I insist, trying to act sweet. "What happens when I go into labor? Can I not go to the hospital?"

I hear his demented giggle again, and he shrugs. "I'm sure you can do it here, if not. I'll have to cut the baby out."

"The hell you will!" Stefan roars, shooting up. "You're fucking insane if you think-"

His arm swings up quickly, and an electric zapping noise fills the room. I watch as Stefan's body tense and then drop to the floor. 

"What the hell?" I exclaim. rushing to his side. He groans in pain as I smooth the hair off of his forehead. "Why did you do that?" I shout, looking up at this twisted man.

He grins down at me. "Oh, come on. Honey, all I did was tase him. Keep him in check, and it won't happen again. I just came in here to ask you what you want for dinner?"

I want to scream at him. I want to tackle him to the ground and wrap my bare hands around his throat right now. What if he tases me, too though? Could that affect Emma?"

I nod to him. "Okay, Dad. I'll watch him, do you have the stuff to make spaghetti?"

"Oh!" He exclaims, clapping with the other in his hands. I wish it would go off, and hit him in the face. "Yes, I do! I love spaghetti, too. I'll get it started now."

Stefan stays down until he's gone. When the door finally closes, glance back down to him. "Are you okay?" I ask, worriedly.

He gives me a forced smile. "I'm peachy."

 I frown. "Don't lie, dummy. Come on, let me help you up."

I grab his hand, and we stand together.

"So, what do we do now?" He asks, glancing around.

I let out a long sigh. "I don't know. Think of a new plan, I guess."

When he doesn't respond, I notice him staring at something, and I follow his gaze to the cot. "Do you think we could unscrew the bars off of that cot with our hands?"

I smile instantly, knowing exactly where he's going with this. "It's worth a try."

We sit on the floor beside the cot, we flip over. The legs face upward as Stefan, and I work the bolts and screw out of the black metal bars. 

"I got one!" Stefan exclaims, finally holding it up for me to see. It's thick and looks to be about four feet long. 

I grin. "That should do it. Now, who is going to be the lucky person to hide behind the door?"

He raises his eyebrow. "Uhm, me. Of course, I'm not letting you do that."

I nod. "Okay, okay. I was just wondering."

"Should I go ahead, and wait now?" He asks.

I shrug. "Probably. There is no telling when he will be back. It should be soon enough, considering he's making us food."

"Alright, here we go then." He mumbles, leaning over to give me a quick kiss. I stand and flip the cot back over to where it looks normal from the door. I just can't sit on it since it's missing a leg now.

Stefan crouches behind the door, and silence falls over the room as we wait. It feels like forever before we hear locks begin to click on the other side of the door. My eyes grow wide as stare at Stefan, but he me a confident expression, and nods, tightening his grip onto the bar.

A few more moments pass, and the door swings open. 

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