7. Bitchy Barbie

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The events of last night are the first thing that pops into my head when I wake up. Just the thought of Eric holding Stefan back while I beg him not to fight as s drunken Jacob cackles is enough to make my stomach turn. 

I let out a shaky sigh, still half asleep, and pulled Stefan's pillow into my arms, inhaling the scent of his hair. I shiver, smiling as I smell something similar to lemongrass, and soft musk.

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice ask, laced with amusement.

My eyes fly open, and I find myself staring into Stefan's eyes as he stands at the edge of the bed with a goofy grin spread across his face. 

I shove the pillow away quickly. "Uhm, nothing," I replied, awkwardly.

"Were you sniffing my pillow?"

I feel my face redden. "No! Why would I do that?"

He scoffs, " I don't know. Why would you do that, when I'm right here?" As he asks this, he pulls back the covers and lays beside me. I scooch away, giving him room, but he pulls me back to his warm chest.

I begin to try and wiggle out of his grip, but as soon as I feel his arms wrap around me tightly, I can't help but sink into him, relaxing for the first time in days. "What are we doing?" I ask, after a moment. 

He rests his chin on the top of my head, cradling me. "Cuddling, " he says, quietly. I can tell that he is aware that I am not completely comfortable with this. 

"No, Stefan" I mumble against his shoulder. "What are we doing? I mean, why are we cuddling?"

He lets out a long sigh, and then presses his cheek to my temple. "I know that you need time to just-" He trails off, thinking of what to say. "I know that you need some time to feel okay again, I know you're going through a lot right now. I'm not trying to confuse you, I just-." He pauses, sighs again, and squeezes me to him tighter.

"We are just two really good friends, trying to comfort each other after a horrible night?" I ask, trying to convince myself that this is the reason I am not shoving away right now.

"Yeah," Stefan says, slowly rubbing his hand against the small of my lower back. I can tell that he is trying to convince himself of this too. Either that or he is just settling for this answer. It's the best thing he is going to get right now.

I pull the blanket up over us and then slide my arm around his torso. 

"Eric isn't awake yet, so you have time to get ready," he murmurs with his lips pressed against my hair.

I close my eyes, feeling my whole body begin to light up as it is pressed against his. "Good" I reply.

"Do you remember our first day together?" Stefan asks.

"That's very random," I say, smiling up to him. Our eyes meet, and I feel my breath catch in my throat. I hadn't realized that our faces were nearly touching. 

His cheeks begin to warm, turning red, and he gives me a lopsided grin. "I know you do."

He chuckles, lightly. "Do you remember what we made?"

I roll my eyes at his persistence, "Chocolate chip pancakes"

He smiles for s moment longer, and then his grows serious as he pushes a lock of hair away from my face. "And, do you remember the reason you told me when you wouldn't kiss me back?" My eyes grow wide as I try to figure out how to respond. I finally just shake my head no. "You told me it was because you barely knew me," he mumbles bringing his face even closer. "And now you won't kiss me because some asshole broke your heart, but Mya-" His hand cups my face as I stare up at him in shock for being so open. "Some day you will kiss me again, it won't be forced, fake, or an accident next time, it will be because you want to." The smile returns to his face, but this time, it's softer and more sympathetic. " Give yourself some time love, I will be here when you're ready. I will wait for you, I just wanted to let you know that."

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