17. Braxton Hicks

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"Mya, are you even listening?" Lindsey asks.

Her voice snaps me out of my trance. "Huh? Yeah, about the thing with Eric." I try to play along. 

She scoffs. "Yeah, dork. What thing?"

I try to think momentarily, and then give her a sheepish smile. "I-I don't know, I was zoned out. I'm sorry."

I hear her laugh from the other side of the couch. I'm still curled up under the blankets. It's where I slept last night. "I was talking about this date we had last night. It was amazing, what has been on your mind?"
I shrug, letting my eyes fall. "Just not completely awake yet, I guess," I mumble. 

"Don't give me that bull, tell me." She says, firmly. "Maybe it will help if you talk about it, I know that since Jacob woke up yesterday, you have way too much time in that head of yours."

My gaze flickers to her, and a small smile crosses my face. I've missed her. No matter what I am going through, it feels good to know that I have Sage, and Lindsey to talk to. "I just-" I hesitate for a second, thinking of how to put it all into words. "I'm stressing about today. Last night, Stefan and I talked about beginning together. I know that Jacob and I are having this baby together, but I don't think I can ever trust him again," I feel a lump begin to form in my throat, and my next words are strangled. "After everything that he has done to us, I just-"

I stop to take a deep, shaky, breath, and Lindsey jumps in to help me. "Mya, do you think any of us expect you to return to Jacob just because you're pregnant? This is the twenty-first freaking century! You are a beautiful, and independent woman, who is allowed to make her own choices based on her own emotions."
"I know," I reply, frantically wiping the tears that have escaped my eyes. "But, I'm also an expecting first-time mother, whose life has been falling apart faster than she could ever hope to try, and put it back together. The reason I've been so spaced out since I woke up is because I know after last night with Stefan. I'm going to have to set some things straight with Jacob. He needs to know what is going on."

She stares at me for a moment. "Are you sure you're ready to talk about that with him yet?"

I let out a soft, bitter laugh. "If I waited until I was ready, Emma would be a full-grown woman, probably."

"Better go get ready then," Lindsey says, rubbing my leg. "Do I need to go with you?"

I shake my head. "No, Stefan is going to give me a ride, and he will wait out in the lobby while I talk to him."

Lindsey leans over, wrapping her arms around me, tightly. "Alright, well good luck. It'll all be okay."

I hug her back, squeezing her. "I hope so, LInds."

Lindsey rushes off to the kitchen when she sees Eric, following him like a love-sick puppy dog, and I can't help but smile. Pushing aside everything that has happened in my life, I could be happier to have her back, and it's so great to see Eric be excited to be with someone. He has feelings for her, I would have never pictured them together in my mind, but seeing them together in person is just perfect. 

Without further hesitation, I make my way up the stairs. As I pass by Stefan's room, I see him sprawled out, still fully asleep. I resist the urge to open the door all the way and crawl into bed with him, though the blanket pushed away from his bare torso making it very hard. I need to remind myself to take it slow. Diving into fast with a man that I didn't know got me into this mess, and I can't say with certainty that it's not going to get out of it. 

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