10. Lithium

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*Jacobs's Point Of View*

"No, Jess," I snap, rolling off her body. "I've already told you that it's not happening."

Her cold hands begin to slide down my bare torso as she lays in bed beside me naked, yet my mind still flashes back to Mya, and now her hands were always so warm, and soft. Every touch she presented me with was soft and loving. My heart clenches, and I let out a shaky breath.

Jessica's sharp voice breaks me away from my thoughts. "But, Jacccooob, we are having a baby together. Don't you want to be a family?

"Yeah, but not with you." I think to myself. "I need to get ready for work," I tell her in a flat voice. 

She lets out an angry huff as I hop up from the bed, and walk to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me, paying her no mind. She is useless to me. 

I slip my clothes on, and walk over to the sink, feeling nothing more than numb, and hollow. My reflection stares back at me, washed out and faded. With a shaky hand, I reach up and open the cabinet, pulling my orange prescription bottle down to me. Inside lay little pills.

My eyes fixate on them as I feel my stomach begin to churn. Im so fucked up that I need meds to be normal. My mind is so broken that I can't function without the help of pills. Mya knew that, and she still loved me. She still tried to take care of me, and what did I do? I'm pissed on it. What kind of fucking monster am I? The medicine makes me feel like a zombie, most of the time, but why couldn't I just take them for her? Out of all people in the world, why couldn't I do it for her? I don't deserve her love. I don't deserve to live.

"Mya," I murmur. It comes out as a strangled whisper. "I miss you, Angel." My hands begin to tremble even harder as I unscrew the cap off the bottle, picturing her beautiful face in my mind with her baby bump, holding our daughter inside-. The daughter will never be able to meet me. A roaring hurricane of emotions rips through my body as I begin to sob, and one by one I swallow all twenty-four of the remaining pills, and then I pick up my phone off the counter. M fingers move quickly as I get the only woman that has ever claimed this damn storm inside of me. 

* Jacob: I took my meds for you baby, I love you. Tell Emma that Daddy loves loved her, too.

I wait for a minute until I finally come to terms with the fact that she isn't going to text me back. She will never speak to me again, just as I am about to turn my phone off for the final time. I look at the screen, hopeful, but I am disappointed to see that it's just Eric. With a shaky breath, I answer. 

"Jacob," Eric says, speaking quickly. "We went to Mya's mom's, but it wasn't her mom at the house. It was Mya's dad. She told us that her mom died, we spent the day visiting with him, and when I left Stefan, and Mya stayed. Mya texted me telling me that she got a bad vibe from him. I told her I'd come to get her early today, but when I got there the door was wide open, and they were all gone. I don't know what happened, but I have a bad feeling about it. I can't get ahold of Sage, and Bryan, will you let them know? I'm staying here to look for them.

I stayed there, not knowing how to respond. Mya is missing? "Find Mya's old friend. Lindsey Connell. Mya told me that they lived on the same street. Maybe she knows something about that, I'll try to get in touch with Bryan.

"Thank you," Eric says. "I'm going to go, then. Bye." He hangs up the phone quickly. I wonder if he would have hung up as fast if he had known that this was the last time we would talk. Probably. Everyone hates me because of what I did, and why did I do it? Simply because she was spending less time with me, and I thought she was cheating, too. How could I ever think that?"

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