13. Heavy

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I walk forward, disbelief filling my chest. "Mya, come back," Stefan snaps, grabbing my wrist. "This could be a trap."

I shake my head slowly, looking up at Stefan. "It's not, Stefan. That's my mom!" As words leave my lips, I rush forward. "Quickly, help me untie him!"

Stefan stares at me, surprised for a moment, and then he dashes over to the chair with me. He takes one side as I take the other, swiftly trying to untie the ropes and rip away the duct tape. I untie the rag knotted around the back of my mom's head, and as it falls from her mouth, she breathes my mom. "Mya! Oh my god, you're alive?"

"Yes, I am," I say calmly. "Now, calm down. Pull yourself together, we have to get out of here.'

She takes a deep breath, and as soon as the last restraint is removed. my mother stands, stretching, and groaning as she loosens up. No telling how long she's been tied up.

"Alright, Mya. Keep looking for a phone. Mrs. Everbloom, can you help me tie up Mya's father?" Stefan asks, turning to my mother.

My mom looks at me, puzzled. "Who is he?"

I glance over at Stefan, and a small smile spreads across my face. "That's my boyfriend, Stefan."

Stefan's face lights up as I say this, and he grins. My mom nods back to him, smiling. "I'd be happy too."

My eyes dart around the kitchen until they land on a white, wireless, landline beside the stove. As my mom and Stefan start to carry my father to the chair, I run over to the phone and dial 911.

It rings a couple of times, and then a woman's voice comes from the phone. "911- What's your emergency?"

"Hello, this is Mya Everbloom. Can you track this number, and send help?"


* Bryans Point Of View*

"Hello?" I ask, answering the phone.

Eric's voice comes from the other side of the phone. "They found Mya and Stefan."

I want to breathe a sigh of relief. I want to tell Eric that's great, and that I'm so happy that they have been found. Instead, though, all that comes from my mouth is a heavy sigh and even news. "Eric, Jacob tried to kill himself."

The line falls silent for a moment, and then Eric replies, quietly. "What?"

"I'm in the waiting room at the E.R. right now. They wouldn't tell me anything, since I'm not legally family, and I knew that Jacob would not want me calling his mother up here. I know who they would talk to, though."

"Who?"  Eric asks immediately. 

"The mother of his child," I say, bluntly.

"Have you tried calling Jess?"

"Yes," I reply. "But, she isn't answering her phone, or answering any of my messages on Facebook. Is there any way that you guys could get Mys uo here as fast as possible? We need to know what going on."

"Uhh," Eric pauses, thinking. "I don't know Lindsey, and I are on our way to pick Mya, and Stefan up from the police station, now, and then it's a several-hour drive back."

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