12. If

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*Bryan's Point Of View*

I kick my shoes off and fall back onto the couch taking a deep breath.

"Hey, Babe," Sage says, crutching herself into the living room from the bedroom. "I just got Waylon down for a nap. How was work?"

I groan, rolling my head back. "It was long, I miss you."

When she makes her way over to me, I help her down to the couch, pulling her to my side gently.

"I missed you, too," She replies, grinning up to me. "Have you heard from Eric or Stefan? I tried texting Mya, and she isn't replying. It's not like her, I'm starting to get worried."

I shake my head. "No, but I haven't gotten to look at my phone today a lot. I've been working. Barely got a break, let me look."

I fish my phone out of my pocket, and my eyes widen as I see that I have one text from Jacob, and 5 texts, and 12 missed calls from Eric. I open the text as Sage rests her head against my shoulder.

* Jacob: Hey, you need to talk to Eric. Mya and Stefan are missing. Make sure that she is safe, please.

* Eric: Bryan, pick up the phone. 

* Eric: Dude, Mya's mom was really strange last night, and now I can't find any of them this morning. 

* Eric: Pick up the phone

*Eric: Hey, guess what?...... Answer the phone!!!

* Eric: I'm freaking out. They won't pick up their phones when I call, or text.

"Oh, no," I mumble, feeling. my heart sped up. "Sage, Mya, and Stefan are missing!"

"What?" She exclaims. "What happened?"

"I don't know, but let me call Eric, and try to find out."

I dial the number, and it begins to ring. "Put it on speaker!" Sage exclaims.

I click the speaker button and bring the phone closer to our faces. As soon as Eric picks up, he begins to rant. "Why does no one answer the phone anymore!? He exclaims. "This is a crisis for god's sake!" First, Mya and Stefan wouldn't answer, and then you wouldn't either, and no Jacob isn't answering."

I roll my eyes to Sage. "Eric, shut up. What happened to Mya, and Stefan? Did you find them?"

"No," Eric sighs. "But I did find her old friend, Lindsey, and we went to the police station. The cops are searching through the house right now for clues. Mya's mom came up missing around the time that Mya's dad showed up. Randomly, and he was the main suspect in her disappearance, but they never had any solid evidence."

"Well, have they found anything yet?" Sage pushes/

"I think so, but they won't tell me, or Lindsey. We are waiting around to see what happened, though."

"Waiting around?" I ask, worriedly. "Do you have enough money without Mya, and Stefan to stay in a hotel again tonight?"

"Lindsey said I could stay with her, " replies with a familiar, cocky, tone in his voice. 

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