4. Babysitting

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"Why did you kiss me that night a couple of months ago, and then completely avoid me up until now?" He asks. I feel my stomach flip, and prepare to answer. How do I even respond?

"Stefan, I-" I say, trying to think. "Do you think we need to talk about this right now?"

He takes a deep breath, and I see his hands tighten on the steering wheel. "Do you remember how it was once, and Jacob got together, and I got with Jessica? Don't you remember how well we got along? You were like one of my best friends. I miss that girl. It's been so awkward since that kiss."

My jaw flexes, and then I glance over at him. "I was half-asleep, and I thought you were Jacob. We got in a huge fight that night, and I thought it was him coming back to apologize or something." 

Suddenly, Stefan scoffs. "I knew it."

"Knew what?" I ask, picking up on his sudden mood change. 

He doesn't respond for a moment, and then when he does, his voice comes out low. "The first time you ever kissed me back, did that mean anything to you?"

My heart stops. Why does he have to ask that? "What does that have to do with anything, Stefan?" I ask. 

He huffs. "Just answer the question." His soft, blue, eyes find mine for a second, and guilt stirs in my chest. "Please," He pleas. 

I shift in my seat, nervously. He deserves the truth. "I wanted to escape, I thought that if I got close to you, you'd let me go. I'm not saying I didn't feel anything when we kissed. I'm just saying that I would have never kissed you so soon if it wasn't part of my plan."

As soon as I finish speaking, he laughs, bitterly. "So, basically, I never had a chance in hell with you."

"What?" I ask, confused. "Did you only hear like half of that? That's not what I said."

"It's what you meant," he remarks, angrily. "I've spent the past year hung up on you, and for what?" 

"It's not like I lead you on or anything!" I snap, getting annoyed that he isn't listening. "You know that I'm engaged, and pregnant now. I haven't done anything to make you believe that it'll happen besides that kiss that was a total accident.

"I wish I had never met you," he states, bluntly. 

I'm not sure why, but for some reason, his words cut deep. Sure, we didn't meet in the best circumstances, but Stefan is still a great friend. "W-why?" I ask, feeling a lump form in my throat. 

"Because," He replies, sighing. "If I had never met you, then I wouldn't have fallen in love with a girl I've never actually had a chance with."

I don't know how to respond to this, and Stefan seems like he has nothing more to say, so the last bit of the ride is quiet. 

When we pull up to Sage, and Bryan's house, I hop out of the second the car parks. I rush to the door, I ring the doorbell twice, and Bryan comes to the door, swinging it open. 

He frantically looks straight past me to Stefan. "Did you get my text, man?"

"No," Stefan replies, shaking his head, and shoving his hands into his jean pockets. I glance over my shoulder at him, but he doesn't look at me. He's ignoring me. "What's wrong?"

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