5. Love, Too Soon

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It's midnight when Sage And Bryan finally return home. Sage hobbles in on crutches. "Where my baby?" She asks, panting. 

"I'm right here, don't worry," Stefan replies, raising his hand from the couch across the room from me. "It was a rough night, but Mya and Walton took care of me."

Bryan laughs. "Shut up, idiot. Is Waylon asleep?"

"I laid him back down after a diaper change, and a bottle about an hour ago," I reply, smiling to Sage. 

She grins. "Right on time. You're so ready for that little girl!"

I laugh, placing my hand over my belly. "I don't feel ready at all, but thank you."

"I felt that way too," Sage says. "When she is here though, you'll just know."

I stand, going to slip my shoes on. "I hope so. Stefan and I need to get back. Jacob will be home soon."

Bryan sighs. "Sorry, we didn't get to hang out tonight, Stefan."

Stefan walks to the door and grabs his shoes, too. "It's fine, we can hang out another day. I know you've been busy with work, and Waylon lately."

We say our goodbyes, and then Stefan, and I head home. 

"You don't feel like you're ready to be a mom?" Stefan asks, glancing over to me. 

I sigh. "I don't know, I mean. I don't feel ready, and I'm scared. At the same thing, though, I'm excited, and I want her to be here already so badly."

He laughs. "That's odd." It's quiet for a moment, and then Stefan nods. "You're going to be a good mother, Mya. You were amazing with Waylon all night tonight."

I can't help, but smile. "Thank you, Stefan."

When we make it to the house, I am relieved to see that Jacob isn't home yet. I run to our bathroom, immediately, and pull his medicine bottle from the cabinet, doing the math in my head. He got his refill on the second of the month. It's the 17th now. There are 28 pills in every bottle, and he's supposed to talk one a day. He should only have 12 pills left. 

My heart sinks when I count them again and again, realizing that there are 24 in the bottle. He's only taken four days' worth in over two weeks. Is this why been even more sexual, and fickle lately?

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice ask from the bathroom doorway. 

I jump, gasping as the majority of the pills fall from my hand. "Jacob? Baby, you scared me," I exclaim, dropping to my knees to pick up the meds. 

"Why are you snooping in my stuff?" He asks.

I frown up at him. "Why haven't you been taking your medicine?" 

"Why have you been sleeping around?" He snaps, bitterly.

My mouth falls open, and I stand. "This is the third time you have accused me of cheating on you. What is making you think that?" Stefan pops up into the back of my mind, and I feel my heart begin to pound. I kind of accidentally cheated, didn't I? I need to tell him. I can't hold this back anymore. 

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