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Location: The Playground

Me and Mack are sat in the mechanics room repairing a bike, well I'm doing as best as I can with only one arm.

It's been around 6 weeks since the accident but I'm still not clear to take the cast off. Leo's doing better he woke up around a month ago after being in a coma for 9 days, but he's still having a hard time with expressing his thoughts. He has a stutter now and I've noticed him talking to himself a few times.

Simmons left a week after Leo woke up to go on some undercover mission and with Skye, May and Trip going on tons of missions I've spent most of my time with Mack a mechanic who joined us a few weeks back. The mission that the three specialists are on now has got them tailing some other agents they've been gone for around a week now.

Now I know your thinking what about Coulson, well honestly I haven't seen him at all since Leo woke up. He's been busy rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D. and he's been doing a pretty good job so far.

There's also a few more new people who have joined. Hartley, Idaho and Hunter. Hartley and Idaho are two people I haven't really talked to yet but Hunter let's just say he has a special personality.

My thoughts are interrupted when the news comes on to show yet another thing about me.

"Now we have General Talbot here to tell us more about the situation. Thanks for being with us General." The reporter.

"It's my pleasure. I believe it's important for the public to be aware of what's happening." Talbot responds.

"Yes I'm sorry but we're all very curious have you found a certain 13 year old yet?" The reporter asks.

"No I'm afraid not but, we're not going to stop looking for her as she is still a child and deserves a proper childhood not as a S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist but as a kid." Talbot replies.

"Oh stop with the lies I'm fine. I'd rather be a S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist that stuck in one of your cells or the foster system." I shout at the screen. "You know my brother really should of agreed to make a clone of me." I mumble.

"You asked your brother to make a clone of you?!" Mack questions concerned.

"Well yeah when stuff about me first got out I suggested we make a clone of me and then fake my death. Problem solved ." I explain.

"First of all that's dark and second of all why the hell was that your only idea?!" Mack asks.

I shrug. "I don't know it's the kind of thing me and Leo did before the accident. We made AVIA , ICERS. I miss it." I mutter. Mack places a hand on my shoulder.

"I know things have been hard for you lately but, you have to look on the bright side Fitz is awake now and on the road to recovery and yes it'll take a while but he's going to be okay. If you ever need to talk, I'm here." Mack tells me.

"Thanks Mack."

"The teams arrived back from their mission." AVIA announces.

"Thanks AVIA." I say in response.

"How about we take a break from this and see if they have any new toys." Mack suggests getting up and offering me a hand.

"Great idea." I reply taking Mack's hand and using it to pull myself up.

We make our way out where the team is. They enter the base, all having the same sad expression, each of them tapping their badges on the way in.

"Well they certainly look happy." I mumble to Mack. Mack hums in agreement. We both walk over to Trip who's still unloading the car.

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