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Location: The Playground, Quarantine

I'm sat cross legged on my bed, in quarantine yay. So I have a wide range of tubes in me I'm hooked up to heart monitors, an IV, and a bunch of other stuff which names, I can't be bothered to learn.

It's been apparently a week since the whole temple incident happened but, I've only been awake for a couple of days. It's been well quiet certainly without Trip. I keep hoping that he'd just walked in here and crack a joke and cheer me up like he always did. But he hasn't come.

My glasses broke when I passed out apparently. When the team found me I was passed out on the floor my glasses shattered next to me so doing everything has been interesting since I can't see. The lab techs have constantly been drawing blood from me and I've been freaking out. Most of the time Leo has to put a full bunny suit on and come in here to hold my hand and even then I freak out. I also have a fever so fun.

I assume that Skye is in the pod next to me. I can't exactly see her. I can only see a blurry figure but I've heard her voice so logically it should be Skye, unless robots have cloned her and gone undercover as her in S.H.I.E.L.D. God I've been watching too many sci-fi films. Speaking of films I currently have AVIA playing the most recent James Bond. I've had a lot of time on my hands. Somehow don't ask me how but AVIA was able to adjust her projection so I can see it without my glasses. I really forgot how smart I made her.

I hear some footsteps and look outside the glass pod I'm in. I squint slightly trying to make out who it is. "Nope. Can't tell who you are." I state flopping back down on my bed. Why can't I just be normal and not need glasses things would be so much easier.

"It's me C." Leo announces. I sigh, can't even recognise my own brother.

"Yeah what can I do for you Leo. Do the doctor's need more blood? Have they sent you to break the news?" I reply.

"No it's not that don't worry. I just came to give you these." Leo tells me placing something into the glass box and sending it through to me. I slowly walk over and reach into the box. A small smile forms on my face as I slip my glasses on my face. I look around the room overjoyed that I can see again.

"Thanks Leo." I thank him. "I would hug you but you know." I look down at my feet slightly.

"Yeah." Leo mumbles. "Sorry they've taken so long I had to order a new frame and lenses and the lenses only just came today."

"It's fine don't worry. AVIA adjusted her projection for me and what else am I gonna want to watch in here apart from AVIA." I point out.

"True. Do you need anything? They fed you yet?" Leo asks me.

"Yeah just had some food but, could you turn the air conditioning on please?" I ask.

"Chlo. It's on full." Leo states. "Are you alright?" He looks at me concerned before pulling out his tablet to no doubt check my vitals. "God Chloe you're 40°C " He tells me.

"Oh." I exclaim that's hot. "Must be my fever. Don't worry about it the doctors are already pumping me with who knows what to try and fix it." I reassure Leo and myself. That's all it is right?

"Well okay. Just say if you need anything. Skye you want anything?" Leo then asks Skye. I look over at Skye for the first time and I see her. Her eyes are all red and puffy from crying. God that must be how I look. Skye just shakes her head giving Leo a half hearted smile. Leo nods before walking off.

I go back to watching my James Bond, finishing the film and I then start watching the mission impossibles but mid way through the second one I start to get bored. I check the time 00:37 (12:37am). Might as well try to get some sleep. I switch off the projection ready to go bed.

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