A Hen In The Wolf House

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Location: The Playground

I'm currently in the shooting range with May. Since I'm out of my cast now and May's happy I've rested it she's agreed to teach me some basic stuff I'd need to go in the field. Apparently it's more dangerous now so I need to know how to defend myself if I want to join the rest of the team.

She's been training me for just under a week now. The first couple of days it was just ”building strength back into my arm” as May said . Then she assessed my self defense. That was quite fun, getting to show off my karate moves. Yesterday she got me using a ICER to practice shooting and today I'm using a proper pistol it's very cool.

May's also been trying to help me cope with my flashbacks she's been saying phrases that we know trigger them and I've been trying to stop them. So far it's been working none of them have broken through but I worry when under pressure I'll break.

"Alright aim." May says adjusting my gun slightly so it's more on target. "Breath." I take a deep breath. "And fire." I fire the bullet. It shoots through the air and hits the target in the head. I cheer. Not a perfect bullseye but, close. "Nice your making progress." May pauses looking like she's contemplating something. "I'll speak to Coulson about you coming back into the field if your up to it?" May asks.

"Yes please." I respond happily.

"I'll check with him again but he seems pretty set that you'll only be allowed to use ICERS in the field because your only 13." May explains.

"Fair enough." I state taking off my noise cancelling headphones. I notice AVIA vibrate on my wrist so see what she's on about I gasp slightly and pull up a hologram of the article to show May.

"Is this recent?" May exclaims. I check the time stamp.

"2 minutes ago." I state.

"Call Trip, Hunter and Skye." May demands. I nod telling AVIA to message them to come to Coulson's office. They must've already seen the news seeming as we met them halfway.

"Eight dead, six of them navy." Trip starts as me, him, Hunter, Skye and May speed walk to Coulson's office.

"All part of an Anti-HYDRA unit." I finish.

"Any idea what was used to carry out the attack?" Hunter questions.

"Nope, but the effects appear similar to those from the Obelisk." Skye answers.

"Which we must assume is in HYDRA’s possession." May adds as the five of us walk into Coulson's office.

"Heard back from your navy contact?" May asks.

"Radio silence." Coulson states.

"Any chance we could find a way in, maybe poke around a bit so I could take some samples, find out what's caused this?" I question.

"Entire fleet’s closing ranks. These were their men. No one other than the CDC and navy’s top brass are setting foot in that room." Coulson explains.

"Okay, then. That’s a dead end." Hunter points out.

"What about Agent Simmons? She’s inside HYDRA. Any chance she has some intel?" Trip inquires.

"Still waiting for her to make contact." Coulson responds.

"Sir, what is that?" I ask pointing to a few carvings on his desk.

"Uh, just sketches." Coulson replies, quickly covering them up with a file. Me and Skye both look at eachother clearly thinking the same thing he's hiding something. "If the Obelisk is back in play, we need to know what this writing means. Any progress on your end?" Coulson moves on looking to Skye.

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