S.O.S Part 2

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Location: Unknown

Jiaying locked me and Skye in some sort of cell on I think a S.H.I.E.L.D. boat or something. I got no clue. She put inhibitors on Skye so now we're both stuck. Fun. There doesn't seem to be a way out of this.

"So what you're saying is you never went back to base in the first place?" Skye confirms after I explained everything to her.

"Nope. Being the genius I am. I found out Jiaying's plan and when I got in am empty Quinnjet I sent a message to Leo about it. Somehow Gordon knew that I knew and there we go. In some random cell." I explain. "Where was I anyway?" I ask curiously.

"You were in some underground building just outside Afterlife." Skye states.

"Lovely just lovely." I mutter staring at the inhibitors on my wrists and trying to get them off. "These are really uncomfortable." I try to wiggle them some more but to no avail. I let out a sigh letting my body relax as I lean onto Skye.

"I'm so sorry Chloe. I got you in this mess." Skye tells me stroking my forehead.

"Skye. Don't worry it's not your fault." I send Skye a warm smile.

"Right let's see if we can get out of here." Skye whispers in my ear before getting up and offering me a hand which I gladly take.

"You want to lend me a hand getting these things off? Or a face?" Skye asks the inhuman stood guard of us, grabbing the cell bars. A figure sneaks behind the inhuman and knocks them out. I back away in fear not, recognising who it is. "Mack? Thank god." Skye questions. Wait Mack? I cautiously walk forward again keeping my distance until I know it's safe.

"Who’s with you?" I ask cautiously.

"It's just me, Pyro." Mack reassures me. I let out a small smile at the nickname. Macks expression grows more serious turning back to Skye. "Your people just took over the ship. About 100 or so prisoners. The rest are dead. Guess they’re not as harmless as you say." My eyes widen. What have we done?

"I swear, I never meant for any of this to happen. I…" Skye starts.

"Well, we need to stop them. But if you’re in here, I’m guessing you figured that out already." Mack gestures to the cell.

"It’s my mother. She’s manipulating them. Not all of these people are bad." Skye tells Mack.

"They’re using their powers to kill S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, so I don’t give a damn about intentions right now. I came here because I need your skills." Mack explains.

"We can’t use our powers." I start looking down to the floor.

"They locked these inhibitors on us." Skye finishes.

"Not the skills I’m looking for." Mack states. "Stand back." Mack tells us. We both take a step away from the door whilst Mack pulls out an axe He breaks the lock with it and open the door. "Heard you have a history of hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D." Mack hands Skye a computer and we head off walking through the corridors careful to avoid the inhumans.

Time skip

"If we don’t cut that beacon, it’ll bring every available agent racing here." I mutter in fear. The team, Leo, Jemma. There'll all be in danger.

"And she plans to kill all of them." Skye states.

"The problem is, it’s hard-wired, clear on the other side of the ship, with a dozen ginger ninjas and god knows who else standing in the way." Mack tells us.

"But we’re still gonna try." I mumble trying to convince myself more than anyone.

"Hell yeah." Mack exclaims hyping me up.

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