Who You Really Are

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Location: The Playground

Ever since I've changed I guess Leo's been super protective of me like more protective than he used to be. I didn't even think that was possible honestly he barely lets me out of his sight. It's slightly annoying but I get why he does it. He doesn't want anyone to find out about me. Who knows what would happen if someone does.

I'm in the living room with Leo playing on the Xbox when a message pops up on AVIA. I groan making Leo send me a concerned look.

"Simmons wants me to come to the lab to run a few more tests to see what caused my fever." I tell Leo sinking into the sofa. You see tests involve blood samples which involve needle which I do not like.

"She's not rechecking your DNA is she?" Leo questions worried.

"She just said to check what caused my fever so probably not." I reply. Leo looks down at his feet as if he's contemplating whether or not to come. "You don't have to come if you don't want to I know you two aren't exactly best friends at the moment." Leo gives me a thankful smile.

"If that's alright with you. I want to go check on Skye too." Leo confirms, I nod. As Leo is about to leave the room I speak up.

"Leo, you know it's not your job to protect us right?" I check with my brother. He nods his head.

"I know. But I'll blame myself if something were to happen." He states before walking out the room. I contemplate playing another game on the Xbox but I don't really want to deal with an angry Simmons so I switch off the Xbox and head to the lab. As I enter I see Simmons setting up her equipment, and I see needles. Fun.

"Simmons why are you making me do this?" I whine announcing my presence in the lab.

"Well I want to get to the bottom of what caused this fever as it almost killed you, twice." Simmons replies sternly. I sigh taking a seat where she's stood.

"But I'm fine now look." I tell her. "AVIA what's my temperature?"

"38.1°C" AVIA announces. I wince.

"Thanks AVIA." I sigh. I look to Simmons and she's giving me an ”I told you so look”. "Okay that might've not proven my point but, I don't feel hot." I state.

Simmons touches her hand to my forehead and raises her eyebrows. "Well you do for me." I roll my eyes.

"Well I don't feel unwell." I state as Simmons starts prepping my arm for a blood sample. "And why do you need more blood you've already taken tons?" I ask.

"I want to look at the most updated copy." Simmons replies getting her needle out. "Right you ready?" I take a deep breath before nodding my head. I squint my eyes shut, not wanting to look. I wince as I feel the needle enter my arm and start pulling out blood.

"How much longer?" I panic.

"Not long." Simmons reassures me.

"Very helpful." I point out. After a few minutes the needle gets removed and I breath a sigh of relief. "Can I have a sticker now?"

"Fine." Simmons rolls her eyes and pulls out her stickers. "Which one do you want?"

"The Hawkeye one obviously." I point to the one of my favourite superhero.

"I should've know." Simmons chuckles slightly, giving me the sticker and ruffling my hair. "I need to go check these now so..." Simmons starts.

"Can I help?" I interrupt.

"I don't know Chlo." Simmons states.

"Come on please. No one's letting me do anything May's not letting me train, Mack's not letting me help him with his model of Lola and now you're not letting me help you." I rant.

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