The Frenemy Of My Enemy

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Location: Afterlife

I'm sat on my bed scrolling through some pictures on my phone. I let out a grin when I see a picture of me, Leo and Jemma outside the temple on our first 0-8-4 mission. I miss them I wish I could go see them but it's just not safe. Which is mad honestly how can it not be safe to visit my brother and best friend?! All I know is when I get back those too better be dating else I'll literally forge love notes and give them to them. A knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Chlo." I look up and see Lincoln stood in the doorframe. I send him a grin.

"Hey Lincoln." I respond. "What ya need?"

"Just came to challenge you to a game." Lincoln states.

"Oh I'm in. What game?" I ask.

"Honestly I don't know what it's called but you'll know it when you see it." Lincoln admits.

"Alright then." I say following him downstairs. I see the board on a table and sit down by it.

"Hey do you know where Skye is?" I ask.

"I was just playing with her a second ago I'm pretty sure she said something about going to talk to her Mum." Lincoln tells me.

"Alright then. Game on." I state.

Time skip

I of course win the game but it was actually pretty close between us by the time we're done Skye's back but Lincoln has to head off.

"Hey Chlo, I'm going to go off with my Dad for a bit you're welcome to come." Skye offers.

"I'll be there in minute.." I reply.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit." Skye says before walking off." I stare at my hands with curiosity.

Then look back up eyeing the game me and Lincoln had just played. I reach my hand up focusing on the atoms in one of the pieces and trying to charge them up with kinetic energy I feel a rush of heat come to my hand and grip onto my necklace but only a small flame forms in my hand. I let out a sigh why can't I melt things? I walk off to go find Skye. I walk through the town keeping my head down to avoid the stares until I find Skye and Cal stood outside Jiaying's hut. I go to walk up to them but Lincoln stops me.

"Lincoln!" I exclaim. "I thought you said you have to leave?"

"I do and you're coming with me." Lincoln states. I give him a questioning look. "Okay let me explain. Skye's taking Cal out to leave him somewhere it China or whatever so Gordon wants me to tail them make sure Cal doesn't have one of his tantrums and I don't want to be lonely so what do you say?" Lincoln rambles. That doesn't sound good Cal could hurt some people. And I don't think just me and Lincoln could stop him. I'll go with Lincoln but I've got to get a call to S.H.I.E.L.D. somehow.

"I'm in." I say with a small smirk. "Let me just tell Skye I'll stay here." I walk over to them.

"Hey Chloe are you joining us?" Cal asks.

"Actually I've changed my mind I want to stay here. I don't really feel comfortable going out in public with my powers yet." I mutter.

"No worries Chlo. I'll see you later." Skye tells me. I send her a smile before walking back to Lincoln.

"Nice acting." Lincoln states.

"You forget I'm a spy. I may have gone to the science and technology academy but they still teach you how to lie." I point out.

Gordon appears and grabs onto Skye and Cal teleporting them somewhere. A few moments later he comes back bring a flash of blue with him.

"Woah that's bright." I exclaim shielding my eyes with my hand until the glow disappears. When I see it fade I lower my hand.

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