Face My Enemy

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Location: The bus

I'm on the bus with Trip. We're in the briefing room. Hunter's gone off to distract some guys assistant and Mack's driving May and Coulson to some party where a painting is. I have got my laptop out and am trying to get Coulson and May in the system since Skye's off grabbing something from the man, who's assistant is distracted by Hunter. Leo is on the plane but I think he's just down in the lab by himself.

"Hunter did a good job, uh, distracting Gabriel Soto’s executive assistant." Skye says hesitantly over comms.

"I bet he loved that." I state rolling my eyes.

"Damn. Tickets cost $25,000?" Trip asks.

"Each. That’s why I'm going for the five-finger discount." I answer.

"Chloe u in?" Skye asks me paranoid. God she's impatient I know I'm not as fast as her but I'm still fast.

"Uh yup just on the last stages of uploading Coulson's picture and done." I reply clicking a few buttons on the keyboard. "Mack? You’re on."

"Copy that. We’re pulling up now." Mack responds. "Sir, notice the car? 1962 Rolls… restored it myself."

"I noticed. Still not letting you work on Lola." Coulson tells Mack.

"In time, sir. In time." Mack admits with a sigh.

"This is fun, right? Isn’t this fun? Look … cufflinks." Coulson says to May.

"I will pay you $500 right now for a pair of flats." I hear May offer right now. I stifle a laugh May is a literal icon.

"Identification, please." A man asks May and Coulson. I close my eyes shut and cross my fingers begging for them to be let through.

"Of course." Coulson replies.

"Geez kid have some faith in yourself." Trip tells me now seeing what I'm doing.

"That's the thing I don't have faith in myself." I state with a small chuckle.

"Charles, you’ve got mine, right?" May questions Coulson.

"Yes." Coulson mutters.

"I like making him carry my things… gives him purpose." May explains.

"Plus, that way I know she can’t take off without me." Coulson responds.

"Oh, well, you never know when a better offer might come along." May adds. During this conversation Skye and Hunter walk back into the bus.

"Enjoy the party." The man says. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"See Chloe. Your good at this. You need to start believing in yourself more." Trip tells me shoving me playfully. I shrug in response.

"Good work on the cover, Chloe. We’re in." Coulson praises me as Mack walks back into the bus.

"Okay. Remember… Soto has the painting in a sublevel storage room until it comes out later tonight for the guests." Skye tells Coulson.

"How heavy is the security?" May asks.

"Still assessing. Let’s assume “very.”" I answer.

"Keep in mind we’ve got diplomats here, state officials. These are not friends of S.H.I.E.L.D." Skye adds.

"Bridget said Soto’s sending out the painting for verification first thing in the morning. She, uh, whispered it in my ear, if you know what I mean." Hunter says. I look at him confused.

"Yes, everybody on the planet knows what you mean, Hunter." Coulson states.

"I don't." I raise my hand up slightly causing Skye, Mack and Trip to groan.

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