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Location: The playground

"She’s been in there every day. You think she’ll stay when he wakes up?" Leo asks refering to Skye who's still sat next to Lincoln.

"She says she wants to take him home, whatever that means. She won’t say much else about it, not to me, anyway." Simmons responds.

"She wants to take him back." I state. "Back to Afterlife." A few machines beep and my attention is drawn back to Kara who's sat in our lab as we run some brain scans on her.

"You can go ahead and take that off now, Agent Palamas. Thanks. Hmm. Your brain scans look rather normal, considering." Simmons explains.

"What does that mean?" Kara asks.

"Well, you’ll still have some memory gaps, obviously, but any part of the HYDRA indoctrination that was affecting your actions is gone. Your mind’s your own again." I answer with a smile.

"Thank you. Honestly, I think knowing Bakshi’s gone has helped more than anything." Kara turns to Simmons. "You know as well as I do what a monster he was. You were undercover at HYDRA with Agent Morse, weren’t you?"

"Well, sort of. I didn’t know she was there at the time. She had very dark hair. But she did save my life when it came…" Simmons trails off.

Time skip

"Chloe with me." Coulson orders urgently striding past the lab. I look to Leo and Simmons worried slightly. "Now." He snaps.

I quickly follow him up to his office where Skye and May already are. Skye send me a nervous glance as I join them. I hope this isn't about to be about what I think it is.

"The ”real S.H.I.E.L.D.” base is being attacked. Gonzales is saying an individual teleported on board. The same individual who took you two and Skye's father. They appear to be after an artifact in board." Coulson explains clicking a button on his tablet to show a picture of the artifact. It looks like some sort of rock with some holes in it. Why would anyone want that? "We want to know why."

"I've not no clue what that thing even is let alone why anyone would want it." I state. Coulson and May send me a look as if they don't believe me. "Seriously, I have never heard of seen anything like that before."

"Neither has Lincoln." Skye adds.

"And you believe him?" Coulson questions.

"Why wouldn’t we?" I reply confused crossing my arms.

"You barely know him." Coulson responds.

"We know enough. He and Jiaying helped me, helped us. They never tried to hurt us. Th-They taught us to channel my power so we weren't hurting anyone. These are good people, Coulson." Skye defends the inhumans. I see where this is headed Coulson doesn't trust them. I look down at my feet stuffing my hands in my pocket and fiddling with them slightly. It's starting to get a bit heated in here. Figuratively and literally. I can literally feel myself heating up. Guess I still haven't got complete control over my powers.

"Are they? People, I mean. Look, I know you two feel connected to this group, but you won’t tell us much about them, you’re keeping to yourselves…" Coulson starts.

"I’ve been taking care of Lincoln." Skye interrupts.

"Okay, but from our perspective, we don’t even know what to call them." Coulson says, calming the situation back down.

"Inhumans." I mumble quietly. I look up and see Coulson and May eyeing me curiously. "Our ancient ancestors called themselves Inhumans and they just want to be left alone." I explain.

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