14th Birthday

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I'll admit here at the start this chapter is very long and doesn't really effect the story that much. So it is an optional chapter however I would recommend it as a few of the presents Chloe gets are probably going to be referenced further into the story. If you do decide to skip it just be aware that Chloe's 14 now and be prepared for Chloe to use some stuff you didn't know she had :)

Location: The Playground

I feel AVIA vibrating trying to wake me up. I groan why did I set her to wake me up at 7:30am I hate you past me. I sit up yawning checking the date on my watch. October 22nd.

"Holy shit." I exclaim. Oops sorry about my language Leo. Wait I forgot my own birthday. How'd I manage that?

I get up and get changed still in disbelief. I'm 14. I've been on this team for almost a year. God that's weird to think about.

How the hell did I forget that I'm 14 today? I chuckle to myself. I guess with everything going on it just slipped my mind. Wouldn't surprise me if the others forgot as well. I mean don't get me wrong it would be nice to celebrate it but it's been busy lately and the only people that actually know when my birthday is is Leo and Jemma and I doubt they'd tell anyone. My stomach grumbles pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Alright alright I'll get you something to eat." I mutter to my stomach walking into the kitchen. I grab an apple quickly eating it and placing the core in the bin. "There you happy now?" I again mutter to my stomach.

Well guess it's time to go find something to do. I walk around the base but quickly realise no one's in sight.

"Huh weird." I mumble.

A hologram arrow pops up on AVIA pointing in the direction of the living room. I walk mindlessly to the room. When I reach the room it's pitch black.

"Leo? Jemma? Skye?" I question into the darkness. No response. "Mack? Coulson? May?" I continue still no one. "Trip? Hunter? Bobbi?" I finish calling the names of everyone. I walk along the wall trying to find some sort of light switch. "Oh screw it sorry Leo but I feel like being lazy today. AVIA turn on the lights." I ask my AI.

"SUPRISE!!" The entire team shouts.

"What the hell?!" I question jumping back slightly scared.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Everyone shouts again. I gain back my composer now taking in my surroundings. There's streamers and confetti everywhere and decorations all over the walls.

"What?" I exclaim. "How'd you know?"

"Better question why did it take turbo here, telling us for us to know about your birthday?" Mack questions.

"I thought you'd all be too busy. Plus I kinda forgot myself to be honest." I admit.

"Never too busy to celebrate a birthday now come on presents." Coulson states shoving a party hat on my head and forcing me to sit down on the sofa.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything really." I tell them.

"Umm yeah we did C." Leo says sitting beside me and pulling me into a hug. "Happy 14th." He whispers in my ear.

"Alright well we got a lot of presents to open." Skye says struggling to carry a massive bag filled with what looks like 8 different presents. Seriously that's way more than what I'd usually get. I normally only get 2 or 3 things.

"Mines not... Not in there. I want you to open... To open it last." Leo tells me. I nod.

"Wait we're not complete idiots are we." Simmons says making me send her a confused look. "We got to start with the cards." Oh yeah. Simmons dumps a pile of cards on my lap.

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