Butterflies 🦋

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   The boys had some kind of metal box that they were trying to open. Apparently Gon could only open the box once he had become a hunter. He thought it would open if he just chucked it around. It didn't. Apollo purred on my lap while we watched the boys puzzle over the box. Apollo meowed but when he did it sounded like he said 'nen'. I glanced down at my cat who somehow, held a sly expression. "Try nen." I instructed the boys and they laughed. "Why didn't we think of that!" Gon yelled and let out a bit of ren. The box bursts open and there's another box in its place. They groan but then Killua shoots up. "Now try your license!" Gon inserts the card into a slot and the box and it open. Inside was a ring, cassette, and memory card. A weird combination of items.

     They start up the cassette player and Ging's voice ring through the speaker. I could feel the nen radiating from the player so I took out my phone to record it. Thanks to my genius ass for recording, we could listen to the tape whenever we needed too. As I expected it started to rewind and erase. The boys were freaking out and I had it all on video. I just sat there and laughed while the boys were fuming in the ears and scrambling to get anything to stop it. Eventually it did stop and the boys pouted on the floor while I laugh. "Oh shut up Y/n!" Gon stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed even more. Still wheezing "I recorded it on my phone dipshits." Their heads snapped in my direction. "Really?!" I rolled my eyes "yes, really."

   We we're on a boat to York New later that day. After the boys found out about some game called Greed island they called Killua's brother, the one I knew only as 'piggy'. They made a deal and now we're off to make money to buy said game. Honestly, I'm all for it. The only problem is that we have to be in York New. I live in York New. Correction: lived. My dad is there as far as I know. What will happen if we run into him? Will there be a fight? Like in my dream? Maybe what I saw about him killing me will come true. I remembered the nightmare I had the previous night and shuddered. "You alright?" Gon was on my right and I glanced at him. I had completely forgot where I was, guess I was lost in thought.

    I nodded and gave a small smile. He frowned at me and grasped my shoulder. "Y/n... you don't have to lie or even tell me anything but, I- well I don't want you to think that you can tell me." I glanced sideways at Killua who was invested in the sky at the moment. "Uh, maybe later Gon." He nodded and gave me his own sweet smile. We were up in the crows nest so I hopped down and went to the back of the boat. I was kinda just sitting on the edge watching the ocean. I suddenly got the urge to jump off so I stood up and looked down at the water below me. I stood there for a long time. Long enough for the sun to begin to set and Killua to come searching for me. My legs hurt.

   "Y/n, why are you just standing there?" I turned around to see Killua's questioning gaze. He was munching on and apple while Apollo sat on his shoulder. I shrugged and hopped down onto the deck and walked up to him, grabbing the apple and taking a bite. "I don't really know. But I've been thinking, I might go home until September the first." I kept chewing as his eyes bulged out of his head. "Home?! You can't go back there, it's not even a home!" I rolled my eyes. "Not my dads dummy, I meant the association and gramps." He nodded his head and Apollo jumped from his shoulder to mine. "Hey smart kitty." I scratched behind his ear and he began to purr. Killua huffed "what the fuck, cat gets more love than me." He crossed his arms and I laughed. Apollo took this as a chance to go find Gon,

   "Really, you want a hug or something?" He looked away from me, suddenly shy but still nodded. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "How about, we dance instead." He seemed confused "dance? Don't you need music?" I raised my eyebrows. "I expected you to say you couldn't dance." It was his turn to roll his eyes. "I was raised as a stuck up rich kid. Do you know how many times I've had to dance at a large event?" He gave a small smirk and I laughed "stuck up rich kid." I gave him one of my ear buds and put on my playlist. The first song that came on was Loverman. I was unexpectedly shown up in the dancing department by Killua who was an extremely good dancer. Somehow our dance ended with my arms wrapped around his neck while we kissed. We've kissed before but nothing like this. There was a new kind of emotion that I felt that I couldn't quite place. Like carnivorous butterflies in my stomach. I think I might enjoy theses butterflies.

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