Pork buns first 🤤 leave second

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"Wait here." Zeno held a hand out a stopped me and Killua before walking into a big room. "So, Killua, about what you said.." I turned back to Killua, referring to when he went up against his older brother. Killua's face went red "well I uh.. I was hoping-" Killua was cut off by the door opening and Zeno calling me into the room. "Kil you can wait out here for now." Killua stiffened up but stood up straighter "no, I'm not gonna leave here alone, especially in this house." Killua grabbed my hand and dragged me into the room, ignoring what Zeno said. The door shut behind us and a large man with long white hair sat before us. "Kil? I thought I told dad only to let the girl in?" Killua nodded to who I assumed was his dad. "You did, but I'm not leaving Y/n alone."

"Well, she got into our home undetected for the most part. So I'm sure she can handle herself." Killua walked me over to two small chairs that sat in front of his father and we sat down. "I'm Silva Zoldyck. And you are?" I cleared my throat "my name is Y/n Rashca and I've come to take Killua back." I stood up and walked over to Silva to shake his hand. "Rashca huh?" His hand was much larger than mine but we shook hands anyways. "And why what are you to my son?" I sucked in a breath. I'm Killua's best friend right? "I'm Killua's-"
"she's my girlfriend." What. I snapped my head back to Killua who was now standing. Why was I not aware of this? Killua walked up to me and slipped his hand into mine and he stared directly at his father. "Oh? She is?

   "Yes." Silva hummed in response "in that case Y/n do you mind leaving the room? Killua will be out in a moment." I nodded but Killua kept a firm grip on my hand. "I'm not leaving her." Silva sighed "if you're concerned for her safety I can have someone look after her." Killua shook his head "no. None of the help can stop Illumi. He's already threatened to kill her once." Illumi, that must've been his older brother. "I'm fine Killua, really."  But Killua wouldn't let me go. "Fine, let her sit in one of the chairs. But I want you to come sit with me." And that's how I got a front row seat to Killuas rambling. It was actually pretty cute. It took me a while to notice that every time Killua dove into a new subject during the exam, I was always the first person he mentioned.

   Killua glanced at me every now and then. When Killua and Silva finished talking, they made a blood promise. It was so that Killua would never betray his friends. "Rashca, cover your ears." I shrugged and did as I was told. Silva whispered something tho Killua and his face went bright red. Killua stood up and nodded to his father. "C'mon Y/n, let's get outta here." Killua grabbed my hand and rushed me out of the room. We made is back to Killua's room and Killua pulled a backpack with six straps out. It was impractical really and couldn't hold nearly as much as mine could. Though, it was fashionable. I'll give him that. He stuffed a bit of stuff in there, like spare clothes and a phone. Also a lot of chocolate.

I sat on Killua's bed. It was really comfy. Soon I broke the silence. "Soooo.... When were you gonna tell me I was your girlfriend?" Killua went bright red and grabbed his face. "Well, I uhh- it slipped out. But I wouldn't mind if you were." I laughed "so are you properly asking me? Or are you chicken?" Killua's hair stuck up and he made a bit of a cat face. "I'm not chicken! I want you to be my girlfriend!.... Please?" I fell back on Killua's bed and thought for a minute. Maybe I'll mess with him. "Oh I don't know, let me think for minute. Hmmm, yes. I accept. But you have to get approval from my mother!" I sat up and pointed at him. He cocked an eyebrow "but your mom is dead?" I snorted "I meant Kurapika asshat."

"Well this asshat is your boyfriend!" He flexed a little and I rolled my eyes. "Ok let's grab something to eat and then we can leave." I grabbed Killua's hand and dragged him out of the room, swinging the door open aggressively. I stood in the hallway and turned to Killua. "Where's the kitchen?" Killua pulled me down a few hallways and into the kitchen "what do you want?" I shrugged and walked over to the fridge, pulling it open "what is there?" Killua sat down at a barstool "whatever you want." "Anything 🤩" Killua fell of his stool. "HOW DO YOU KEEP SAYING EMOJIS?!"I laughed and looked in the fridge "got any pork buns?" Killua's jaw dropped "you can have anything but you choose like the most common thing ever?" I nodded "I'm a simple girl."

Killua nodded and mumbled to himself before pressing a button on the counter. A chef basically spawned behind me and scared the shit outta me. "IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER THE SON AND SONIC, BEGONE DEMON!" The chef looked at me like I was crazy as I kept swatting at him. Killua sighed "some pork buns please." The chef nodded and got to work while I sat down with Killua on the stools. "Do you think Gon and the others are here yet?" Killua queried and I shrugged "Gon was still down for the count when I left. I can guarantee he'll be here, I just don't know when. It might take him and the others a few days to open the doors." Killua hummed "then how did you get through?" I shrugged "don't really know. I just got myself really angry and the doors basically opened on their own. It's almost like I wasn't even the one who opened them. Like an ulterior force." Killua leaned back a bit in his seat but not to far or he'd fall off.

"That's interesting. I wonder what happened." The chef placed the pork buns down in front of me and Killua each grabbed one. "Thanks mister chef" I took a bite and the flavors melted in my mouth "they're delicious!" I started shoveling food into my mouth and Killua look at me with a 'what the hell?' Expression. I shrugged and kept eating like a mad man. "Man, those were hella good but I'm ready to roll out when you are." Killua leaned his head on his hand " I say we go to the butlers quarters and wait a few day for Gon to show up. It would be good training for him." I nodded "You're right! Let's go then!" I grabbed Killua's hand and ran out of the kitchen. "Oh wait, I don't know where I'm going. Killua lead the way!" He let out a breathy laugh and lead me back to a very dark hallway. It's time to leave.

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