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   We got to the association rather quickly but decided to grab breakfast first. "Killua?" He looked up from the menu and hummed. "Yeah?" I started pinching the cuts on my fingers "well, I uh, I don't know what I'm supposed to tell my gramps." He put the menu down and waved the waiter away from us. "I'd just tell him the truth and anything you don't want him to know, don't mention. I'll be with you the whole time so If you want me to do the talking I can." The cut on my middle finger was bleeding. I tried to scratch at my wrists but the splints were still in the way. "Do you think he'll try to take me to a hospital?" Killua pursed his lips "do you want to be taken to a hospital?" I looked up at him with a warning glance. "No, I hate hospitals." He nodded as if mentally noting it. "Then I won't let him."

     We made it into Beans' office where he spoke without looking up. "I'm sorry the chairman is busy at the moment please schedule an appointment." I grabbed Killua's hand while he held me up with the other, steadying me. "I'm sure he can make an acceptance." Beans looked up with an agitated look but when he caught sight of me he froze, face morphing into horror and a bit of pity. He clicked the intercom "Chairman Netero..." he couldn't finish his sentence when it cut off. "Beans I'm quite busy right now, do you suppose it could wait whatever it is?" Beans sucked in a breath and my legs began to wobble. What if Netero is disgusted and disappointed in me? "No sir. I actually think you should cancel the rest of your day." I heard a door open and close, it must be the other exit door in his office.

    "Send them in." He sighed and Killua helped me walk in while Beans held the door. Netero was staring out the window when we got to the middle of the room. "Hey gramps." I let out the most confident voice I could muster and tried to stand straighter. "Ah Y/n glad you're back..." he turned around and his eyes opened wide. He was at my side in seconds, questioning me. "Are you ok? What happened? Who did it?" I opted to just let go of Killua and hug him. Netero was tense but he relaxed and held me in a gentle loving hug. When my knees finally buckled I fell to the ground and Netero went with me. He just hugged me and didn't ask any more questions. When he did let go of me, Killua helped me into a chair. "What happened?" His question was directed at Killua and you could feel a bit of bloodlust leaking from him.

    "She was... she was kidnapped by the phantom troupe and her father. We-we tried to get her back but there was nothing I- there was nothing we could do." Killua was choked up and his eyes were watering but he didn't let any tears fall. I helped with the explanation. "Why couldn't you escape Y/n" I grit my teeth. "I still don't know. The only time I could get any nen out was when I was in pain. Maybe it has to do with the shackles but I still can't use nen." Netero furrowed his brows but shot his eyes towards me. "Is there any time before any pain that someone could've done something to your nen without you knowing?" This confused me "I was passed out before I was in the cell but what could they have done to my nen?" Killua shot his finger up "maybe they sealed your nen like Kurapika did to Chrollo! It could have certain conditions so it makes sense."

    Netero nodded "that sounds the most likely. However we will not be testing this theory until you are completely healed. I also have something that can help with that. If you want to head to your room I'll bring it to you when I'm done. It may take a day or two though." I nod slightly and Killua helps me up. We basically waddle back to my room where I sit on the bed. Killua stands at the side of my bed, in between my legs, hugging me. He doesn't say anything but his silence says enough. I pull him onto the bed with me and tuck myself into his chest. His hands comb through my hair. It greasy and I need a shower. I can't remember the last time I actually bathed. I start to feel the build up of grime on my body and sit up abruptly, breaking open some wounds on my back. Killua sits up and puts his hand on my lower back. "Are you ok? You bandages feel a bit mushy. I should change them." He stands up to grab bandages but I grab his hand.

   "I'm fine Killua. I think I just need a bath." He nods but holds a frown. It confused me "penny for your thoughts?" His eyes gain a bit of light at the familiar phrase. "I just- I haven't seen all of your wounds and Leorio isn't here, so I just want to make sure you aren't hurting." He fiddles with the hem of his shirt and looks away from me. "Well I'm going to get in the bath so I can at least show you some stuff." I pull my shirt off and his face goes bright red while I peel the bandages from my skin. "Y/n... don't you think you should turn around? All you have on is a bra." I slightly roll my eyes. "You act like you've never seen me in my bra and underwear." I stand up and turn around anyways. I'm facing the mirror on my wall so I could see the expression Killua made. It was like he just saw his friend die right in front of him.

    Whatever he's seeing cannot be worse than what he's seen before. I'm sure of it. Maybe not though. His hand covers the sob that looks like it's about to escape him. His other hand just slightly my back before he flinches away. He must be seeing the branding on my back. I'm not quite sure what it says but I have a good guess. I turn back to face him. I grab his face in my hands and give him a quick peck on his hand before resting my forehead on his. He slowly but surely wraps his arms around me, trying not to touch my injuries. He plants a small kiss on my neck and I pull back. I smile at him "a bath with fix me right up. Let me know if anything happens." He nods but when I'm about to close the door he calls out to me. "Y/n?" I glance back and hum "don't turn the heat up to high."

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