Invasion pt.2

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I couldn't do it. I couldn't not go after Killua. I had to make sure that he was ok no matter what. Komugi may have saved me when we were kids but Killua has saved me in probably every way that a person can be saved. I love him and I cannot abandon him. Especially since.. this might be my last day with him. I gave him a little bit of time before I went after him though, maybe to get some of his frustration out.

I must've been right because when I found Killua he was hiding in an empty room charging up. His head snapped up to me but I put my hands up in surrender. He sighed a bit and I walked over to him. "Are you ok?" I mumbled and he just looked up at me. His eyes were the same sorrowful blue I'd seen many times before. He was silent. Oh right, we aren't on speaking terms. I frowned and crouched down beside him. "Sorry, I know you don't want to talk to me, or anyone for that matter." He just hummed and dropped the wire in his hand, standing up. I stood up after him and followed him to the doorway. But just before he could leave I grabbed his wrist. "Wait!.." he turned a bit to look at me. I looked down at the ground. "Promise me that if it comes down to it you'll save Gon."

His eyes widened and he opens his mouth to say something in protest but I cut him off. "Promise me that you'll save Gon! Promise me." I ended my sentence in a whisper and glance back up at him. He couldn't refuse. "Ok." So I let go of his wrist and he left. I sighed softly and dropped to my knees in a huge coughing fit the sprouted blood from my lungs. It looked like someone had died there. Might have well been. Once I was able to I stood up and walked back to where Gon and Pitou were. Well, almost. I stopped myself at the faint noise of crying. That's sounds an awful lot like Killua.

I lost all rational when I heard him crying and burst into a full sprint in the direction of the crying. I found Killua hunched over on the ballroom floor sobbing his eyes out in front of some lady in odd armor. I ran over to Killua and slid onto my knees, effectively scraping them. I touched his shoulder lightly and Killua immediately tackled my torso in a hug. He shoved his face into my stomach and kept crying. The girl standing there let her armor come off but it was actually hair. I slowly raked my hands through Killua's knotty hair and watched the woman closely. "Palm?" The woman nodded and I widened my eyes. "What... happened?" She waved me off and I got the message.

Soon enough Killua calmed down and was fine, thanking Palm. He let go of me and stood up, reaching his hand out to me. I smiled softly at his hand and got up with his help. "Let's go meet up with Ikalgo and the others." We did end up meeting up with people on top of the palace wall. The conversation was mostly centered around Gon, who called us not long after. He asked for Killua to come get Komugi as a hostage and he would go on his own to Peijin to heal Kite. I sighed at this and followed Killua to where Gon was. Gon stood there waiting and sneered when he noticed me. I ignored it though and knelt next to Komugi's unconscious body. At least I knew she would be alright.

Gon got ready to leave and argued a bit with Killua but I intervened. "I'll go with Gon." They tried to argue with me but I shut it down. "End of story. Let's go." Gon, Pitou, and myself stepped onto the balcony and Killua stayed in the doorway. In a split second decision I turned back to Killua and kissed his cheek gently. I think it conveyed enough of what I wanted to say to him because we both teared up. This was it. The whole reason we're even involved and now it's about to come to a close. The journey was a fast one. Gon and Pitou running and myself using Windbreaker.

      We walked inside and down into the basement where Kites body was being held. Gon demanded that Pitou heal Kite but she just sighed a bit. "I can't." Gon's eyes widened and he got angrier. "This person is already dead." Now I know the time isn't right but I told him so. Gon sunk to the floor and tears flooded his eyes. Pitou held her hand up and watched Gon. "Gon, I have to kill you now." I grit my teeth and stepped in between Gon and Pitou. "Like hell you will." Pitou scowled but we both snapped our heads to Gon. He was accumulating a very large amount of aura. A wind was starting to form from the sheer power. It blew out all the candles and created an ominous atmosphere. "I don't care anymore."

     "Wait! Gon don't do this! You'll die!" I knew this would happen. I can clearly remember this happening in my dream. Gon's rapidly changing body got larger and his eyes became a raging white. I stepped back and covered my face from the wind. Pitou on the other hand was making a dash for it. She didn't make it out of the building though because she was blocked by a very old looking Gon. Well, what I assume is supposed to be Gon in his prime. He was so... not Gon. He ordered Pitou to follow him outside but then turned his attention to me. "You too." My eyes widened. Does he want to fight me too? Questions ran through my brain as I followed mindlessly. Gon turned his back and Pitou sprung at him. He dodged in a split second and kicked her into the air.

      All it took was one kick and he had already won the fight. But yet he powered up his nen and struck her when she fell in front of him. She flew through the forest and finally hit a tree where her mangled corpse lay. My breath hitched. He was so powerful. There was no way I could take him on. Not like this anyway. Just my luck he turned to me and waved me over. I took a deep breath. I think it was the only clean breath I'd had in months. It was.. refreshing. A content smile placed itself onto my face as I followed after him. At the very least this stupid sickness wouldn't take me out, it would be one of my best friends.

      I was right too. Gon stopped just beside where Pitou's corpse was and pointed to her. "You let her kill Kite. You killed Kite." For some odd reason, I felt my smile grow. I knew for a fact that Kites death wasn't my fault. He wouldn't run when I said to. I did what I could. But Gon would never believe me. So why not be a bit sarcastic if we're going to die. "Sure, I killed Kite. I was the one who lopped off his head and turned him into a human puppet." Gon didn't seem to like my answer, or my smile for that matter. So it was enough for him to send a kick my way. Part of me just wanted to take the hit and die right there, but I didn't. Instead I activated Windbreaker and stopped him. Part of me didn't think my nen would hold up against him but the other part knew it would.

But why did I block? Killua. I could never, not once hear Killua's footsteps but for some reason unknown to me I knew what they sounded like. And ever so faintly I could hear the crackle of electricity in the distance. Gon ignored me from there and crouched down to beat the shit out of Pitous corpse. He did so for nearly a minute before standing up. Killua stood just a few feet away. The terror in his eyes struck a chord in my heart. He yelled out to Gon and jumped to push him out of the way of an attack from Pitou. It must've been a nen attack to make her a puppet in death. Gon lost his arm in the process and began crying. "Killua, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Gon jumped into the air and grabbed his arm, bringing it down to smash Pitou's abdomen. Killua and I skidded backwards and Gon left his arm on the ground. This is it, the final blow. My eyes widened at the growing light on Gon's stump of an arm. "Jan." No, I don't want my friend to die. I don't want him to do this. I saw Killua creep closer to Gon and he put an arm up to blow the growing wind. "Ken." If Killua gets any closer to Gon the blast could seriously injure him. There's nothing I can do. I don't want to die either. But sometimes we don't always get what we want. "Rock."

My only thoughts were of Killua in the moment. Only to protect him as he screamed his lungs out hoping it might somehow save Gon. I grabbed his wrist and yanked him backwards with all my might. I covered him with my body the best I could as a scorching pain seared through my back. I screamed out in pain and felt my body lose all of its strength. I was just lying on top of Killua while the dust settled. I heard him grunt in pain as he sat up and rolled me onto my back. Oh, the stars are pretty tonight. I was limp on the ground and I could feel the blood gushing from every hole in my face and covering my back. Then I hear faint wailing and Killua's sobs. His face enters my line of vision and tears fall onto my face. "Y/n?" He whispers.

I can distinctly remember the feeling of death,
and yet, right now I don't feel it. And for once in my life, I think I'm going to be okay. "Gon" I mumbled to him and he screws his eyes shut. "I can't leave you!" His breathing is very unnatural and I can hear small hiccups coming from him. "I'll be alright. Go help Gon. Remember your promise." He wails and covers his mouth with his hands and drags himself away from me, only to scream in sadness at the sight of Gon. I can only see him from the corner of my eye. Theres many sounds of electricity and I can only assume Killua is trying to bring Gon back to life. He makes a phone call soon after the noise stops and it's eerily silent. I hear the sound of Knovs portal open up and multiple voices.

Everything is starting to get muffled and my vision is going black. Killua grabs me and holds my body close to him. He's still crying. I look over to him despite the blurriness. "Y/n, please don't leave me. You're my universe." I'm not sure if I am or not but I'm trying to smile. "Y/n! Please stay with me! You can't go! I- I love you!"

Then everything goes dark.

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