The Night That Changed Everything

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Raynar looked at the beautiful elegant omega in his arms. Amory's eyes were looking at him as if he could see through his soul. Raynar didn't look away.

"Have you thought about leaving?"

Amory looked at the man. He looked tired.

"I have. Plenty of times. But, to what end? No matter where I go, I will be a prostitute. There will be men setting a price to my body wherever I go," said Amory.

"Come to palace," said Raynar.

Amory snorted.

"And what? Be your mistress? Not interested, your highness," said Amory.

"No, to be by husband and mate," said Raynar.

"You are the emperor of Elmor and I am a prostitute. A sex worker. If that's not clear to you yet," said Amory.

"So? You were. But you will be untouchable then," said Raynar.

"Are you untouchable? You who drinks and spends his days in half despair? You who would rather curl yourself around an omega whore than go do your duty to these people? How many days will it take if this nobility wants to bring you down? One? Two? I would say half a day your highness. You forget, I served men of these nobility before you touched me. Brothels are where we hear things. You are floating and because you are floating, they are letting you stay on top. But, for how long?" asked Amory.

Raynar looked at him.

"I am not a child. I am building myself something that will protect my family," said Raynar.

"Not fast enough. You will be 27 soon and then what? Your highness, you do not have time to go slow. You definitely do not have time or the freedom to take an omega who sells his body home," said Amory.

"What if someday I do?"

"I think you should find a good omega who can support you, who can guide you through your royal decisions, who can stand as your equal and step out with you with dignity. That's not me, your highness. What you see here is pure dirt. You are lying in dirt now. Get out. Leave. I hope you will do great things in future. Move on, I am but a face you see in this distinguished life," said Amory.

"You are that equal," said Raynar.

Amory laughed.

"An uneducated omega whose body was used by countless men since he turned fifteen? A useless wretch who could only sell his body to survive? I am your equal?" asked Amory, laughing.

"You do not sound uneducated ever," said Raynar, not trying to correct Amory because he wouldn't listen.

"There is a small garden outside my father's mansion. There are large trees in there. When I felt I am alone in this world, I would crawl my way in and sleep there beneath a beautiful tree. I do not know its name. But from there, I can hear him. They would talk for hours, big words and big things. When my mother was around, she would get angry at me for going. My father has never seen me, so he will never know even if he saw me. I would hug her and she will forgive me. When I became alone in this world, I will go sleep there. No one will feed us there, so it's not like I can stay there forever. I would sleep there and go back to the streets in the mornings. I would hear the tutor teaching my older brother. He is a smart one, only needs to be told once. That's all the education I have ever received," said Amory.

"I will ask you again, later," said Raynar, burying his head on the omega's stomach, falling asleep soon after.

"My answer, will never change," mumbled Amory, as he looked at the sleeping alpha. His hand lingered on the man's hair and all he could do was just stare. He would remember his mother's words.

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