Marry Me?

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Andreas introduced Arik to rest of the family. They were all subdued as they greeted him in reverence as they should. By protocol even if he marries in, his power makes him stand a step above. That is one of the reasons Andreas agreed. No one would dare touch this omega. Then they stopped short at the back yard where there was a memorial. Arik has seen this before. It is Gaia's memorial. Andreas didn't say anything. Arik followed him and others let them be.

"She is gone for ten years now," said Andreas. Arik nodded. He knew this.

"I promise, I will take care of him and to cherish your memories," thought Arik as he stood there quietly. Andreas turned and left. Arik followed.

"Do you know how she died?" asked Andreas.

"No. I know family was involved and – my brothers told me it was not a suicide," said Arik.

"She tried her best to live here. She didn't commit suicide; she was tired and I didn't help as much as I should have. You should know that I am equally guilty," said Andreas and didn't speak another word. He has heard that Gaia had been a woman he saved from flesh trade from the port where she was being shipped off. He had married her but didn't mark her. The family never accepted her. When she got pregnant, they sent Andreas who was only in his early 20s to another city for work. He came back to his dead pregnant wife.

Arik looked at the small tomb next to Gaia's which the alpha didn't look at. The man rarely allows anyone here.

"You are not the same man as you were ten years ago," said Arik. Andreas didn't respond. He stopped and turned to look at Arik. He looked to see if Zimon was also nearby. They weren't far from Gaia and their child. Andreas took out a box.

"In this world, this is my only family," he said, as an explanation and then, extended his hand for Arik's. The omega obliged and then a ring was slid into his finger. Arik then wore the alpha a ring he brought.

Zimon was looking at his brother, quietly. They had an age gap of 12 years and that man is more his father than brother. Arik is his best friend. He has always felt like he is a sibling with how kind and understanding he is. He knew how much Arik loved his brother and he knew his brother's capacity to love. He is sure they will be fine. His brother is not a young man played by his supposed 'family' anymore. Alden was silent beside him.

"I want to talk to you," said Alden. Zimon raised an eyebrow again, in surprise.

"You keep raising your eyebrow a little too many times," said Alden.

"How can I help you your highness?" asked Zimon.

"Are you dating anyone?" asked Alden.

"No," said Zimon, thoroughly bewildered.

"Do you have anyone in your mind?" he asked again. Zimon looked at the omega again, truly speechless.

"No. Are you going to ask me out?" asked Zimon, a little bemused and sort of taken with this brash brat.

"Well, I want to be with my brother and make sure that he has someone who will see what he won't see by his side. For that I need to marry into this family," said Alden.

"Oh, some of our uncles are single, barely 70," said Zimon, looking away. He lost the mirth and was thinking. He understood what Alden wanted.

"Is that all the romance in your bones?" asked Zimon.

"If my moms didn't have each other's back, they would have been destroyed much earlier," said Alden. Zimon looked at his brother who was walking quietly and Arik who walked beside him. Then he looked at Alden.

"Do you know how many spies your brothers and brothers-in-law have in this entire household?"

Alden looked at him.

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