Elia's Children

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Elia was fast asleep a couple of nights later. He had managed to find some tutors for the children who can teach them basics. They were denied school education which was not fine and he had to intervene.

There was a sudden, desperate knock on the door. He sat up. Caspian was also asleep. He also startled and woke up. Caspian opened the door.

"Lord, the master is punishing the children for playing with Prince Nero," said a maid, she looked worried and was sweating.

He saw Caspian freeze, but he ran out. He ran to see the oldest getting lashed while the youngest was held by some guards to be tied after. Elia caught the whip from the old man before it could hit.

Anton was screaming. He was begging.

"Hold back the omega. You dare to step here and meet these scums on earth and they had the audacity to stay before you," snarled the man and rushed forward.

Elia looked at the alpha guards who tried to get close.

"If you touch me, your heads will roll and my brothers will stomp on it," said Elia and all froze. The alpha guards went back, without any hesitancy. He looked at the Lyr alpha. He hated this man for so many reasons.

"You absolute filth, you dare to stand before me? The prince of Elmor is not your servant and an omega under your feet for you to address me so," said Elia and the man seemed to be staring at Elia as if he has never seen a human being before. Elia turned to the omegas with blazing eyes and they let go of the child who ran to his brother who was behind Elia.

"On your knees," he said and the entire staff and omegas went down on their knees, including the alphas of the house who were just watching the show. The old man seemed way too surprised that his anger seemed to have gone. And he too went on his knees.

"Marcel Lyr, know this that you will answer for every drop of blood shed here in this post till this day and I will watch it and so will these children," snapped Elia as he undid the bonds on the child and looked at his husband's household staff who rushed forward.

"Go to Azor mansion and meet Lord Ezekiel Azor. I want my brother here and ask my brothers to send royal guards. It seems the fourth prince of Elmor or his family's children are not safe here," said Elia.

He picked both children in his arms and then, as soon as his brother arrived, carried them to the hospital. As he reached the front yard, he saw his husband, standing there, rooted on spot.

Elia shook his head and turned and left. They reached the hospital. He had been desperate to keep talking and divert the attention of the crazy family that it took some time to get the child to safety. He looked so small. Elia held him in his arms and the little baby was snug against Eri who was fuming. Ezekiel was driving the car. The welt marks were massive. There was bleeding and also the shock of this much pain.

The younger one was in shock and clinging to Elia after he picked up.

"Eri, you should have seen that man. He- I can't imagine what brother must have gone through. He scared me for a moment you know," said Elia.

He didn't have to wait before his entire family was in the hospital. Amory, he noticed was gripping on Raynar's arm tightly.

"You shouldn't have come. Don't see that child like this," said Elia.

Amory leaned on his husband who held him close as they stayed there. Their eyes fell on the small bundle in Elia's arms and Amory extended his hand to touch the child and he didn't shrink back, just looking at him curiously through his tear- stained face.

"We will leave. I will dispatch hundred royal guards around the Lyr household," said Amory, his tone calm. He looked at Raynar who held him close as they walked back. To see your own childhood before your eyes may have been a shock.

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