An Announcement

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In Azor mansion. Most of the guests have already moved to the royal quarters. Some remained, stalling to see what will happen here.

The night before a press note was issued.

"Greetings. We would like to announce an information we have held private for a few years now. I , Ezekiel Azor has been married and mated to my omega- the third prince of this land- Ermelo Zarek, lovingly called Eri for seven years now. Our eighth anniversary would be the month after next. We share a son, Nero Zarek-Azor. Like every couple, we had to work through some problems. We were apart for a while and my omega had his own battles to fight and I mine. Eri suffered from post-partum depression and hence Nero came into my care because his ama wanted him to be raised well. We request that you allow us to heal together as a family and not disrupt our privacy"

Ezekiel Azor, Ermelo Zarek-Azor

Ezekiel was awake. He woke up early. Eri and Nero were fast asleep. He called Raynar.

"Asshole, should I thank you now for invading my privacy- breaking confidence?" asked Ezekiel.


"Thank you," said Ezekiel.

"You both take care of each other and my nephew there. That's all," said Raynar.


"He is doing well. You know Maynar. They are both well," said Raynar.

"Okay. Eri is sleeping. I will call later," he said and ended the call.

Ezekiel stepped out, pulling the curtain down in a long-long time. Usually, when omegas are present, the curtains remain pulled down so that not just anyone can walk in and out. A pulled down curtain meant- the family's omega is resting. No one should interrupt it. Eri will skin him but in this traditional household, if he doesn't do it, the people here won't understand.

He saw some of the people.

"Young Master Azor, please convey our greetings to third prince. We will be off to royal accommodations," said Lord Mave. Ezekiel gave a small nod.

The guests all left. Ezekiel was giving instructions to guards.

"Alpha" "Baba"

Twin cries made him turn in surprise.

"You are both awake," said Ezekiel and noticed both looked frazzled.

"What happened?"

"Didn't see you," said Nero. Eri didn't reply.

"Come here, let's go inside," said Ezekiel and took Nero from him and scented his omega to reassure him.

Later, they watched Eri play with some of the Lyr kids in the garden through the south gate as they sat in the courtyard.

"Are you not angry at me?"

"I was- am angry at you and at me. But I am also very much relieved. Any anger, any pain- if we are together, we will come out on top of it. What about you?" said Ezekiel.

"Emm, I am so mad at me and at you and also it finally feels like my soul is back in my body," said Eri and he smiled.

"See, I have made some progress. Earlier, I would never answer that question, just brood," said Eri. Ezekiel pulled his omega close.

"We all have our own pace," said Ezekiel. Then a small complicated look came on his face.

"Did you like- I mean- meet any alphas you liked?" asked Ezekiel. He was looking onto nothing as he asked.

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