An Adoption

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"Yeah, are you perhaps enjoying bachelorhood again? Then you can step out and sleep in the entrance," said Elia, moving away from his alpha's arms after they kissed to their heart's content. Caspian huffed. He has been staying with his children and Eli since they returned.

Caspian watched as Elia hand-fed both children.

"Go on, Adrian would like some help from you," said Elia. Adrian shyly looked at his Baba who then fed him a spoonful of soup. Anton was quiet, leaning on Eli as he watched them.

At night, the kids still refused to sleep alone. They were being given counselling for it and the counsellor did ask Elia to not enforce it soon. Apparently, its good if he lets them close and have them imprint on him as his children.

Anton climbed in, wanting to lean against the wall when he sleeps. Adrian giggled and crawled in after him. Eli laid down, tickling them both. Later, they calmed down and dozed off. Caspian also joined them in bed. Elia pulled down the curtains to cover the kids from bugs. Elia was surprised when he felt an arm around his hip. He lifted his head a little and gave a soft kiss on Caspian's lip who returned it. Elia covered his alpha's hands with his own and they fell asleep soon after that.

Next morning, the children had classes. They sat with their tutor and Elia climbed back into bed next to his husband who stirred.

"I want to adopt them," said Elia.

"Are you sure? It's only going to be about two months since you met them," said Caspian.

"I know. But I want to," said Elia.

Caspian gently kissed him.

"The adoption won't work out if you are unsure in any form as spiritual bond won't be completed. However, we will keep trying if needed," said Caspian, quietly, as Elia rested his head on the alpha's chest.

"As a child, when my brothers were still children themselves, all I wanted was for all of us to have parents. I am in a position to give them that and they are great children. I don't want people to get any ideas about them and know that they are my children too. Not a secret to be hidden in the back yard. Above all that I really want those two gentle souls to feel safe and loved," said Elia.

"There are many things we may disagree on. This isn't one of them. Thank you. I will come with you to speak with them," said Caspian.

"Are you sure? My brothers and brothers-in-law also said they can accompany me," said Caspian.

"This is our life, my- our children. I will come with you," said Caspian. Elia nodded.

Maybe to be a husband, both of them will still need time but being parents cannot wait. Not when they have two angelic children depending on them.

Next day, Elia had the children ready to have a conversation with them both. Caspian was quiet.

"Your Baba and I, we have a question for you both," said Elia.

Adrian shifted, rubbed his face against Elia's chest, sleepy, but listening. Elia gently rubbed his head.

"Don't send us away. We want to stay with you," mumbled Anton, quietly and shifted, hugging Elia tight.

"Nothing in this world can make me send you both away. Nothing, yeah? You are my babies," said Elia.

"But the maid aunt said you will send us away when you get new baby," Adrian said quietly.

"Who?" asked Caspian, his voice thundering, scaring the children. Both of them shrunk away.

"Baba is not angry with you both. Baba is angry at liars who told lies to our babies," said Elia.

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