Not Your Alpha

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In the morning, Andreas woke up first. He cursed himself a bit for drinking too much and turned t o check for Arik. The omega was fast asleep. He was about to call him, when he noticed the i-pad. He grabbed it and sure enough, it still had her photo open. It was lying beside him probably when he lost consciousness. He looked back at Arik who- now that he noticed, has curled into himself, like a ball. He felt guilty and turned away. He didn't go for a run, not wanting to wake up Arik. He made tea for both of them and then had his, sitting in the balcony. He saw Alden in their backyard. The omega usually greets him. Today he was glaring at him.

"Do you remember your name this morning, brother?" he asked.

Andreas was amused, a little.

"I do. I am sorry, I just lost track of the amount," he said.

"You shouldn't be saying sorry to me," he said and stormed off. Zimon heard everything and gave his brother the stink eye.

Andreas was silent.

"I miss her too. But it has been a decade. You are still young, she would never want you to wallow forever," he said. They had seen him witnessing the whole incident. Gaia knew they won't spare Zimon. She, without running out for medical help, held Zimon and hid in a cupboard till help arrived in the form of Jeremy. After all, Zimon is the second son. They already had the alpha heir.

Zimon walked over and jumped over the railings and hugged him tight. "Do you want a new regret ten years down the lane?" asked Zimon, gently. Andreas patted him gently. He left soon after that. Then, Arik woke up. Andreas was frozen on spot. Arik didn't come to the balcony.



No questions were asked. Arik didn't know what to ask and didn't know if he would be rebuffed for asking. So, he kept quiet. Then he got ready for work and left. Andreas also left at the same time but other than a small nod and a weak smile, nothing happened. He stewed on it all day. When he came home, it was late in the night. He saw Arik was not in their room.

He asked the household staff who said he is in the old wing. Andreas felt a sort of rage as he walked towards the old quarters. He never lets anyone here. Arik knew this very well. Then, how dare he.. was all that went in his head.

He saw Arik and Nima picking something from a shelf. It is Gaia's shelf which had her books and everything she amassed during her time here. He truly lost it. He stormed in. The omega looked up.

"I- he started. Andreas grabbed his hand and he doesn't remember how he walked towards the door. He only remembers reaching the entrance and he pushed Arik out.

"Leave. You can go back to your palace. You know what you did," said Andreas.

Arik froze.

"Alpha- let me -

"Andreas slammed his hand on the glass panel at the entry. He didn't care where all it scattered. His hand was bleeding.

"I am not your alpha. Do not call me alpha again," said Andreas and slammed the door close.

"Escort the fifth prince out," he told the guards, calmly and left. He closed the door to his room and did not open it even when Zimon knocked on the doors.


Arik stood there in bone chilling cold weather. He looked at the alpha's blood splattered all over the broken glass pieces. He turned and looked at Paulose, Andreas's driver.

"Can you drive me to the palace, uncle?"

"Young master, please," he said.

Arik got in. Alden rushed over.

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