A Conflict

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Andreas then called the maids who brought the breakfast. Arik ate it.

"Do you want to stay longer?"

"No, my brothers need to spend time with their omegas and need to focus on their own lives too. No matter how much I want to cling," mumbled Arik.

"As an older brother, I assure you, it will never stop," said Andreas.

Arik finished his breakfast.

"You said you need time and I am fine with it. But, please talk to me. Without communication, it is horrible," said Arik.

Andreas gave a tentative nod. He then took Arik with him. They returned home when it was still morning. Interestingly, the younger two were still asleep.

"Let me go wake-

"Hm, I saw them tripping all over each other last night," said Andreas, amused.

"Oh," said Arik, cheeks pink.

Arik changed and climbed into his bed. He was fast asleep once he did. Clearly, he didn't sleep well. Andreas called the day off and laid down beside him. Andreas took a conscious effort to spend time with his omega. A week after the fight, he started counselling. His omega would always accompany him and wait outside without complaints. It was not an easy process. Some days were harder than others.


Zimon stirred first. Alden was fast asleep, literally on top of him. They didn't go all the way, but they did kiss and make out a bit. Zimon gently ran his hand over Alden's hair, observing his omega who looked debauched for lack of a better word. He tucked him in and got up to get their breakfast. Once it was brought, he woke Alden up.

Alden was trying not to blush even as he went about freshening up. They sat on the floor, ready to it.

"Do you want your alpha to hold you?" teased Zimon. Alden glared at him but then got up and went and sat between Zimon's stretched out legs. Zimon wrapped him in a hug from behind and the omega curled onto him as they sat. They straightened and ate in that position.

They heard movement in the yard and turned to see Arik tending to some potted plants and Andreas was standing at the door, watching. The couple heaved a sigh of relief.

"They will be fine," said Zimon. Alden nodded.

"Alpha, can we go somewhere, just us two? Not now, maybe next month when brother will have free time and Arik won't be alone?" asked Alden.

"Wherever you want to go," said Zimon, biting on his nose. He knew Alden was raised pampered. He wants to do the same. His omega should never lack anything.


Eri came home from work to see a stand off between his alpha and their baby. Nero was glaring at his Baba and Baba was also glaring at the little omega.

"What happened here?"

"Ama, Baba bad."

"Eri, he is being unreasonable."

Eri was amused but he didn't show it. He picked up his little tantrum thrower and brought him over to his Baba.

"Now tell me, what did you both fight over?"

"Baba no allow me to go play," said Nero.

"Of course, he didn't because you have a fever. We are really sorry baby but if you go over your fever will get worse and An and Adri both will catch fever," said Eri.

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