Ermelo Zarek-Azor

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Eri stared at the photo on his wallet. He sat on his balcony. From here, he could see Raynar and Amory walking through the woods, talking even as they listened to the updates. Maybe it was them growing up seeing an alpha father who never made time for his omegas, he thinks both his alpha brothers are excellent on that front.

It has only been a day and a night since Izah came and the respect with which Maynar treats him, the softness- it's all something they never saw in their father. The man had been a heartless one. He only cared about the power and the spur of the moment omega heat he got from n number of omegas.

If it is learned that the three oldest royals have actual bond marks- all hells will break loose. It could go either way but Eri doesn't care. What they wanted they will achieve! He will not let that dictate his actions. He closed his eyes for a moment and imagined Ezekiel and Eri, alone at Azor mansion. He remembered every word said by his alpha. It hurt to hear.

He had lived one year in a frozen state and the next five in abject fear, pain and resignation. The question is- does he have the courage? He cannot go and mess with them or himself again. There is no space for that sort of mistake anymore.

Eri looked at them all at the breakfast table.

"I am leaving," he said.

All looked at him, in surprise.

"Leaving where?" asked Amory.

"To my home," said Eri. At that, everyone froze for a moment.

He looked at his brothers and at brothers-in-law.

"Don't tell him. Let me ask him myself," said Eri.

Izah nodded stunned.

"Emm, he wouldn't say no to living here now. The situation has changed," said Izah.

"When we try and do something right- we should always face the hard choices head on," said Eri. He didn't elaborate. So, they all stood speechless as Eri left.

"Do you think they will make it work?" asked Maynar, worried, looking at his older brother.

"They will. They absolutely will," said Amory, because Raynar was silent and worried himself.

"Yes, I agree. They will be fine. They may have their fights but, they will come out on top of it. I just wish I could see my brother's face when his omega returns to him," said Izah. There was not a prince in the palace who was not crying.


Eri took a deep breath. He drove to the Azor household. The entire crowd of people staying at Azor mansion only increases as days go by. They are mostly familiar with the sight of royal vehicles gliding in and out of here and the prince's swarming the place by now.

So, they are more or less, not too surprised when the third prince's vehicle glided in. They saw the prince's guards check around before letting him step out. He looked at all of them convened in various places across the massive courtyard.

"Lord Azor-

"My prince, was there some failing in our part with the arrangements-

"No. Please send someone for Young Master Azor," said Eri.

Before anyone went Ezekiel came. His omega's scent is over powering and both him and Nero came rushing.

"Eri, what happened?" asked Ezekiel. Only after asking did he realise that he foolishly used the third prince's pet name that only his family call him.

Nero already jumped on Eri.

"Eri, I missed you so much," pouted Nero.

"Missed you too champ," said Eri and pressed a small kiss on his hair.

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