They Have Grown Up

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Karlo raised his eyebrow as he saw Eri softly speaking to Ezekiel who was hunched over the table in their suite's balcony.

"I have kept food here. I am taking Nero with us. He will stay the night with us," he said and led his beaming nephew to have a sleep over with his little uncles.

Eri sighed as he sat down beside his alpha and hugged him from the side. Said alpha quietly let himself be held.

"Are you upset with me for not sharing this?"

"How can I, Eri? Its his secret to tell and if he doesn't want his brother to know that's because I didn't deserve to know. You hold no blame in this," said Ezekiel.

"I don't think that's what he was thinking," said Eri.

Ezekiel was quiet for a while.

They had to monitor the situation, so Eri switched on the tv after some time. Sure enough, reports boomed.

"There were positive and negative reactions. However, many more omegas, even from conservative faction were speaking up.

It showed an image of the emperor and the emperor consort. They seem unaware of the thousands watching as Raynar held his omega protectively and as said omega reached out to grab the emperor's arm.

Next morning newspaper headlines were varying in taste.

'Elmor owes the emperor consort an apology'

'Listen, the emperor consort of Elmor is speaking'

'I do not owe you anything'

'The man who taught his omega in a brothel room'

The headlines went on and on. There were negatives too.

'Unfortunate but is the omega law viable?'

None dared outright slander the emperor consort anymore.


Amory woke up first. He let his husband sleep and stepped out. He saw Izah sitting outside the room in a sofa warm in Maynar's arm and the both of them seemed to be dozing off. He was amused because, clearly Maynar was pampering his omega.

"Good morning, did you both camp here?" asked Amory, gently shaking them awake.

"Yes, we sort of did. He wouldn't sleep," said Maynar. Izah was silent, staring at him for a moment and then Amory had a handful of omega who was sobbing.

"You couldn't have told me. I know I am stupid but, couldn't you?" asked Izah.

"I was not ready, I am sorry. Why are you crying my little idiot? Don't call yourself stupid. You are my clever child" asked Amory.

Izah hugged him tighter.

"Do you hate me?"

"In the beginning, it was a love-hate thing but the day I met you for real, I knew I can only love you both," said Amory.

Maynar gave a small nod to Amory and went off to the suite, maybe to wake up Raynar.

Izah calmed down only after Amory reassured him a few hundred times, patiently.


Caspian was silent as he looked at his sons sleep. While Anton is an alpha child, Adrian is an omega. For the first time, he lifted his hand and touched his children. He just sat there beside them. All night he was reminded of an omega child who grew up in the very backyard. Would this two have to go through all that too? He noticed they looked guarded even in sleep.

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