Palace or Home?

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The emperor can be discharged. The hospital team had made it known on the 25th day of his stay at the hospital. Said man was lounging against his omega, rather carelessly if you asked Amory. He seems to think this is some sort of vacation at a resort where it's just them and the family. But there are nights when he twists in pain and this, only Amory is privy too. If he doesn't shed the blood of men who ordered to hurt his man, he will rather bow down his head and ask them to spit on him. He will not only shed their blood; he will bring them to streets and make them lie there bleeding like they left the emperor helpless and unable to defend himself that day. Amory held the man close, holding him against his chest.

"What are you brooding about?" asked the alpha.

"Nothing," he said.

"We will go to our home then?" asked the emperor.

"Where is home?" asked Amory.

"For me? Wherever you are. If I can have you and those six in one place, that's my entire family," said Raynar. He looked at Amory.

Whatever Amory ask, he would never dismiss it. He will reassure him, time and again.

"When mother came to tell me that you met with an accident, I froze. Unlike the other times, when it would be you who will call me to tell me about an attack- they were all sombre. I almost lost you, we all almost lost you this time. When you laid there barely holding on, I made you a promise," said Amory.

"And what was that?" asked Raynar, turning to look up at his omega.

"I promised, If you would return, I will step into the palace with you. That I will let you mark me. That I will let you break my mating gland," said Amory.

Raynar's eyes widened. He was in shock.

"If you still want that, my alpha," said Amory.

"Amory, omega, in this life, I have only ever wanted this. Nothing more," said Raynar, his eyes glassy as he tried to sit up and to pull his omega close.

"Omega, you saw how easily I was almost defeated. A mating mark is ultimate. We live together even beyond this life. I will be yours and you will be mine. Are you sure?" asked Raynar.

"Alpha, l had eleven years to think. There is nothing more to think about. You will be binding yourself to an omega used by countless alphas. Are you sure?" asked Amory.

"Yes, and omega, you forget I laid with countless omegas in the past. Does that make me unworthy?" asked Raynar.

Amory shook his head.

"Do you mind if we break our mating bonds in a hospital bed?" asked Raynar.

"We had sex first time when you came into my room as a client. What is holy? For me, only what we have is holy and no matter how deep in dirt we are or wherever we are, that's what matters," said Amory. Raynar sank his teeth into his omega's mating gland, breaking it. The omega looked at his alpha, finally, completely, without any restrictions, Raynar is his alpha. No one will ever question Amory's right to be near Raynar again. Come winter, come summer, come the desolate autumn or the blooming spring, no one will question why Amory is beside Raynar ever again. The gland broke and the golden liquid manifested into a mark. Their mating mark is a glorious, regal pattern. It covered the entirely of the broken gland, sealing it, connecting Amory to Raynar's soul.

Amory looked at his alpha who was crying. He was crying like a child. He didn't hesitate to sink down his teeth on the gland, breaking it. They kissed, tears mingling with saliva as they kissed without an end in sight.

The doors opened because of all the sudden brightness and natural shift in the surroundings. It was only the siblings. They saw the shining mark on their exposed necks and looked at each other. Without alerting the duo, Eri and Maynar stepped outside.

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