Lord Caspian Lyr

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Raynar was silent as he laid on Amory's lap. He was so upset but he wouldn't speak much when upset.

"Why is he so stubborn?"

"He is very much aware of how little confirmed support we have. Everything else is planned out and is very situational. We are ready to wait- it seems he is not ready to," said Raynar.

"I have heard so many stories about him. He has two children, no?" asked Amory, furious. He wanted the absolute best for Elia- not this. He did not even taint these children with even his shadow all these years because he wanted them to have the best possible future. They are Raynar's and they are Amory's too.

"He asked them to come tomorrow," said Maynar, storming in. Raynar didn't sit up. Izah followed Maynar there as the alpha looked furious.

"Well, they insisted right? I suggest, we make best use of it. To secure Elia's position there is important. Tell them, he will only step in when Lord Lyr hands down power. Also, insist on marking. I think Elia should also go to the Lyr household before any official agreement is made," said Izah. Maynar glared at him.

"Naturally, you have no issues with selling off my siblings to your clique," snapped Maynar.

Izah looked at Maynar and didn't say anything.

"Good night, both of you," he wished the other two and left without a word.

"That was uncalled for. Is that how you talk to him? Ar, that's not okay," said Raynar.

"We didn't raise him like this to feed him to a wolf," said Maynar.

Raynar looked at him.

"Listen to what he said," said Ezekiel, from the door.

"What do you mean?" asked Raynar.

"He said he want to do it- let him. Imagine telling Eri no when he is decided on something? Respect his wishes. Isn't that what we do here?" asked Ezekiel.

"Besides, Caspian Lyr is a lot of things- an abuser, he is not. And, he is indeed loyal to the throne. If he marks Elia, I think, rationally- it will be okay. Besides, there is time. We can always call it off later," said Ezekiel.

Amory was biting his lip, worried.

"I will go check on them," he said and left. He saw Izah first. He was in Maynar's and his suite, getting ready for bed.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Amory. Izah turned, surprised and Amory saw the tear drops in those eyes. Izah desperately wiped it away and smiled.

"Hey, I was just getting ready for bed," said Izah. Since his mating, it has barely been a week.

"When we first met, his highness's temper was unbelievable. He would just snap and I never let him get away with it- well- mostly," said Amory.

"There is a difference. Your alpha loves you. He worships the land you walk on and the air you breathe. My alpha, on the other hand, he doesn't trust me- not really. So, we can't compare notes," said Izah, teasingly.

"I heard his highness say that you used to chase brother a lot when you were young," said Amory.

Izah snorted.

"I was just a stupid child. He would always look at me like I am a speck of dust on his shoes. Anyway, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything. Go on, I am sure Elia needs you now more than me," said Izah, as he laid down. Amory hesitated for a moment, but pulled the blanket over Izah and tucked him in.

Amory saw Maynar on the way back.

"Is he – he broke off.

"He is in the room," said Amory.
Maynar nodded and went off.

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