Ezekiel's Wait

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Eri stared at the crib in his room. He touched it. It had once held Nero. He didn't have the heart to undo it and re-pack it after the child left. Some days when he feels too lonely, he stares at a photograph in his wallet. It has Ezekiel and his son. It was a picture Raynar got him, and he had thrown it away back then. But he had picked it up later. He kept it in his wallet. It just felt better that way.

"Ermelo are you afraid now? Of being alone?"

He looked at himself in the mirror.

"You are, aren't you? I can see it. You didn't bow before him then. Why are you wondering now?"

He took a deep breath as he painted the mirror black. He sat down on the floor and cried. No one will hear him here. The palace walls are big and sturdy. No one will hear him outside. He cried till his voice broke.

He will not try and fool himself again. So, he grabbed the knitting needle in his emergency kit and threw it away. It fell on the woods behind the palace. He is a Zarek omega. He will bow to no alpha. He will live his life in his own terms. Even if it is the man who holds his heart.

Eri and Ezekiel, they wanted different things in life. Ezekiel always wanted more than what Eri was ready to give. Eri is not as strong as Amory and Ezekiel is not as patient as Raynar. What happened was bound to happen.

He has no regrets. None. Absolutely none.


"Did you find anything about the consort?" asked Caspian Lyr, the young master of the family. He is almost the same age as Ezekiel and Raynar but unlike both of them, he is more in line with the conservative alphas.

"None. It's like he never existed before the brothel," said Benayin.

Everyone was silent.

They all heard cries of a boy.

"Is that your grandson, Lord Azor?" asked Lord Maven. They have always been strong competitors against Azors and would never let go of an opportunity to show them down.

"We hear Ezekiel's spawn is an omega," said Caspian.

Before anyone could say anything a jet of blue hair ran out of the house.

"When did he colour his hair?" asked Lord Argus, taken aback.

"I do not know," said Benayin. As the Lords of the most prominent fourteen houses in conservative factions watched, the little omega climbed up the tree and wagged his finger at the maids.

"You will not take my things from me. I won't give," he screamed.

"Master Azor, please come down," said the maid, in trepidation.

"No. I want my Baba now," he screeched.

None of the Lords present has ever come across such a child.

By luck, Ezekiel's car stopped outside. His heart was in his throat when he saw his son high up on the tree.

"Baba," he screeched, sobbing.

"Sweetheart, do not jump back. Please hold on tight where you are. Will you do that for Baba?" asked Ezekiel.

Nero nodded his head. Ezekiel climbed up the branches and got his son down.

"Little omega, I have told you before. You cannot climb such heights and definitely not throw tantrums and cause trouble. What if you fell? Why were you crying?" asked Ezekiel.

"Gramma said I need to move to new room. I said no. I told her my Baba will punish her for being bad," said Nero.

Ezekiel looked up sharply at the staff.

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