Meeting The Siblings

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Ezekiel accompanied Izah as they went to the hospital. As the family's new relatives through Maynar, they were allowed. Their father was also allowed but at a much later date. Probably, to avoid suspicion of collusion.

"This man agreed to see us. What do you think his plans are? If he is as devoted to the emperor as the emperor is to him, it won't be simple. You see what he did already. With two moves, he brought down ten and will shame the remaining conspirators if not punish," said Izah.

"Truly a man of brains. I think he is as loyal to emperor as the emperor is to him. We have both known the royal siblings almost all our life. Have they ever pledged their loyalty like this? Ermelo used to say they were a match made in heaven- and Ezekiel broke off and looked away.

"Your omega is going to be there," said Izah.

"I have seen him every court day in the past six years. Nothing has changed," said Ezekiel and didn't elaborate further.

"You know, its understandable that he –

"Izah, you once said you won't interfere in this. Don't do that now," said Ezekiel.

"Fine. In future when I and Maynar fight, not interfere," said Izah, scowling.

Ezekiel didn't reply. He simply looked out. The mating mark against where his mating gland once was tingled. He forcefully shut down that line of thought and focussed on the road. They reached the hospital soon after. It was Siyona who greeted them. She led them inside. There were guards covering every inch of the corridor. Entire walls were lined with screens to monitor every nook and cranny of the hospital. The number of guards only thinned as they reached closer to the Royal Suite. Only the personal guards were there. Then it further thinned out when they reached the living room. Sigmund stood there. He opened the next door and they saw some of the royal siblings. Karlo, Arik and Elia were there. Karlo greeted them but Elia and Arik just appraised them with a nod.


As they waited, the door opened. They stepped in to see the emperor. The man was reading something. Maynar sat on his one side. They were both discussing something. The side door opened and in stepped two omegas. One is Eri and the other is unfamiliar. But he doesn't need introductions to know this breath-taking beauty is the emperor consort of Elmor.

The man looked majestic. He surprisingly stared at Ezekiel and Izah for a moment.

"Welcome Lord Azor, Crown Prince Consort," he said. He didn't call Ezekiel Young Master like everyone. He called him Lord. Means, Benayin is nothing in his eyes.

They bowed as they should before the emperor consort. He waved a hand, stopping them.


They had both forgotten the emperor for a moment. They turned and bowed again. The emperor did not look angry but amused. These two are really a match made in heaven. Petty assholes.

"Take a seat," said the emperor.

Both sat down.

"I hear, you wanted to meet me for a while, crown prince consort," said Amory.

"Indeed, your highness. I would like to primarily apologise for the derogatory articles. I honestly thought you are a petty stupid omega who was playing with the er- Izah broke off and looked at his future brother-in-law who seemed unfazed.

"Yeah, so I just thought it would be a bunch of bullshit and saw it as an opportunity to up my position. Well, anyway, that didn't work out. It was wrong of me to consider you stupid and dumb, that's not true. You are clever. I read the draft. It's well thought out and it describes every possible scenario and I must say our goals are the same," said Izah.

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