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Alden wiped his eyes.

"I was wrong. I was acting petulant when he needed me," mumbled the omega.

Amory smiled kindly, holding his slowly growing tummy, resting a hand there.

"Then why did you run to palace?" asked Amory.

"I didn't know how to handle it. That's the first time he became angry with me," said Alden.

"The first time your brother became angry with me, I had cried myself to sleep. I never expected him to comeback. I was so surprised to see him again and told him so. Your smart-ass brother said- So? Of course I will fight with my omega. That's part of marital life. We are only missing an official ceremony," said Amory.

"So smooth. I swear," said Alden.

"Please, he hemmed and hawed before I got that out of his mouth," smiled Amory.

"Is my omega slandering me?" asked Raynar, walking in. He didn't look like he was sleeping well. With Elia not talking to him and Maynar, the duo seemed very off.

But he came and wrapped himself around Amory.

"Did you drink when I wasn't looking?" asked Amory, turning to look at his alpha.

"Just a little, I promise. So, what did this little wretch do to my brother-in-law?" asked Raynar.

"Oy, stop drinking and go grovel to Elia, you may have more luck," smirked Alden and left them both to make eyes at each other.

He reached his room. He missed his alpha so much. Somehow, he ended up crying when he thought about Zimon. Stupid tears.


Zimon opened the door once he calmed down. Arik brought him snacks.

"Where is Alden? I got angry with him," said Zimon.

"Let me guess? Dave? Well, my little brother has run off to palace. You eat now," said Arik.


"Yeah, red like a tomato and won't tell me what's wrong," said Arik.

"Did you tell him?"

"No, I didn't. But you should," said Arik.

"He thinks I am very cool. Would be a shame to tell him that's not the case," said Zimon.

"Trust me, my brother looking down on you is the last thing you need to worry about. Most likely scenario is police making a house call to request the prince to stop torturing an omega in Soul Island, if he would please," said Arik.

"I am not hungry. I will go eat with him. You feed your husband. Maybe will calm down his quick temper," said Zimon.

"I heard that," said Andreas from the next room.

"I know," said Zimon and left.


Zimon reached palace. He saw everyone was around.

"Ah, the storm in a tea cup is sobbing in his lair," said Karlo, sniggering.

Zimon ruffled his hair fondly.

"Shush, don't make fun of my omega," he said and nodded to his brothers-in-law. Coincidentally, Alden who decided to go home came down and saw Zimon in the room. He looked at his alpha, not knowing what to say.

It was so awkward, everyone around went quiet too.

"Where did you run off to?" asked Zimon.

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