iii. isn't it romantic? (no, it's not)

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CHAPTER THREE ───────────
✧₊˚。({  ISN'T IT ROMANTIC? (NO IT'S NOT)  })

CHAPTER THREE ───────────✧₊˚。({  ISN'T IT ROMANTIC? (NO IT'S NOT)  })

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" mess it up GRACIE ABRAMS "

JULY 10TH, 2010

PERCY ISN'T SURE WHETHER HE died or if he just blacked out for a second. But upon seeing the look on Roma's face when his eyes snap open and his first instinct is to gasp for a foul-smelling breath, he knows it was the former. Her shaking hands are clutching his shoulders so tightly, it feels like she's trying to crush him. Tears are streaked across her face and her bottom lip is bleeding. Did she bite through it?

          He tries to speak. To ask her if she's okay. But the bitter, burning taste of the liquid fire she'd probably forced down his throat leaves his mouth tasting like liquid battery acid mixed with hot sauce. He lifts his head forward and coughs violently. Fuck, that tasted likelike hydra piss or something.

          He groans, letting his head drop back down and rubbing both hands over his face. The uncomfortable smell of this shithole is stressing him the fuck out. It smells like him. Fucking Smelly Gabe, his ex-stepdad. Percy can practically taste the familiar fumes of stale cigarette smoke and cheap vodka looming in the air. Along with a hint of sulfur that also reminds him of that stupid piece of shit. He grits his teeth and ignores the panic rising in his throat.

          It's then he conveniently realizes his head's lying on Roma's stomach. He stiffens for a second and peeks through his fingers to gauge her reaction.

          Uh, she looks angry. And yes, he knows that's nothing new. And yes, he knows he's probably the cause (he's not that oblivious) but, well . . . he has no idea why.

          Percy swallows nervously and sits himself up, pulling at the collar of his shirt and glancing back at the girl he for some reason is head over heels for despite her being irritated by him at, like, every second of the day. Even if she did admit that she trusted him━which totally made him freak out and not know what to say. But still, he thinks he might seriously fall in love with this girl if she just lets him.

          Annabeth flashes across his mind for a second and the guilt follows close behind. He feels so sickeningly shitty for letting her feel like that while she was with him. So unhappy. He wishes she were here right now so he could apologize profusely over and over again until she forgives him━not that he thinks he deserves her forgiveness.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now