xviii. my friends are psychopaths

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little freak     HARRY STYLES  "

JULY 18TH,  2010

ELORA BLINKS AT THE ROCKS that had almost crushed her into smithereens. The last face she'd seen before the entrance to the tunnel had caved in was Jason's. Surrounded by monsters. Backed into a corner with no one to help him. She suddenly wishes she was on the other side of the makeshift wall.

          Hazel cries like a baby, screaming at the rocks as if that will get them to reverse time. Elora and Leo stand awkwardly behind her. She can't blame her for acting like this. She's internally stomping her feet and screaming like a toddler. But they need to find Roma and Percy. As much as it hurts to admit, that is what they need to focus on. That's what's important.

          "Hazel," Elora says gently, edging forward carefully. She'd witnessed enough of Roma's tantrums to be wary of short, feisty girls during their mental breakdowns. "We . . . we need to go. For Percy and Roma."

          Hazel's bottom lip trembles when she finally pulls away from the rocks. She rubs her nose red and sniffles embarrassedly. "Sorry," she whispers shamefully. "I just . . ." She stares mournfully at the rocks as though hoping by some miracle Frank would pop out of them smiling and completely fine.

          Elora's reassuring smile conveys deep understanding. "I know," she replies, placing a gentle hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "We have to trust that they're okay and that they can take care of themselves. It's the only way we're going to get through this." Her voice hitches a little and she purses her lips to try and curb the tears fighting against her. For Leo's sake anyway. Because he's standing awkwardly to the side, fidgeting with his hands and whistling.

          She gets a nod in reply which cements the next step in their journey. Which is continuing down the dark tunnel for, um, something. Elora silently wishes she was on the other side of the rocks fighting the hundreds of monsters there instead. At least there she knows what to expect━a fight, simple. Granted, she isn't a fighter by any means and practiced the bare minimum with her sword back home. But she'd still rather that. Creepy dark tunnels aren't her thing. Especially with the only source of light being their swords and Leo's fire.

          "Alright, are we done crying now 'cause like, I don't do well with that shit," Leo cuts through the sniffling silence with a strained grin that looks more like an uncomfortable grimace. "Like at all."

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now