xiv. i took a quick two-day nap

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" diamonds RIHANNA "

JULY 14TH, 2010

LEO HAD BEEN SHOT INTO the sky. There was no way to help him. To stop him from soaring away to gods know where. Jason was incapacitated. Frozen solid and completely out of it. No one else had come to help. Both Elora and Piper were alone. She'd say she helped but all she did was stare at one of the icy perpetrators with fear embedded deep into her heart. Because he reminded her of him. Bryce. The way he talked. The way he smiled. It was so . . . him. And she isn't brave enough to fight him. She can't even defeat him in her dreams much less in real life.

But Piper. She's strong. She's powerful. She protects them all. She saves them all. She even gets Festus to wake up with the power of only her mere charmspoken words. And Elora feels like a bloody idiot just standing there, fidgeting with the ends of her shirt next to the frozen statue of Jason that sends waves of cold shivering down her spine.

The snow goddess, Khione sneers at Piper, her skin as white as the fresh snow that whirls around her like an icy hurricane. "You miserable girl! You think you can defeat me━a goddess?"

The Celestial Bronze figurehead roars in anger at the comment but doesn't risk blowing fire in case he burns Piper and her up by accident. Elora is too focused on the frosted sphere that'd rolled to a stop at the foot of the mast. It looks important. And fragile. A small fissure cracks in the center of it and she swears the sound echoes through her entire body, leaving her tense and nervous. A burst of pressurized air hisses through the cracks. Piper dashes for it madly, panic clear in her features.

Okay, dangerous. It's dangerous. She doesn't know why or what it is. But she wants to help. No one would notice anyway.

Khione grabs Piper's wrist roughly, glaring menacingly at her and pulling her close━Katropis is nothing but a frozen solid clump of ice in Piper's grasp. Elora keeps edging sideways, her hands trembling from anticipation.

"A child of Aphrodite," the goddess scoffs like it's such a bad thing. "You are nothing."

Elora feels a jolt of anger. She was always underestimated at camp for being a Venus kid. So were most of her siblings. Even her half-brother, Mike Kahale who was easily the biggest, toughest guy at camp. Love was seen as weak. They were seen as weak. But they're not.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now