xvi. girls hate girls just because

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" hey jude THE BEATLES "

{ LEO }
JULY 16TH, 2010

LEO HASN'T SAT THIS STILL since . . . never. He'd thought it was impossible for him to just . . . sit and do nothing. Of course, his fingers still twitch. But apart from that, he sits rigidly in his beach chair, staring out across the small island with the shade of the red umbrella blocking the glaring sun. He'd spotted the Argo II on the horizon of the sea not too long ago but hadn't bothered going to meet it at the docks. They'd find him. It was a small island.

It was a calm day on the island. Blue sky. Lapping waters. Content chatter. Most buildings on the island were made from golden stone, bright and rugged.

He sips the coffee he'd bought a few moments ago, just staring at the same spot he had been for the past few hours. He feels like one of those main characters who just lie and brood mysteriously all day. But it isn't like he's brooding or anything! Okay, he totally is but that's not the point. Leo had never found anyone in his life who'd ever felt as lonely as he secretly did. Well, other than Echo. The memory of her is fuzzy but he remembers her at least.

          But then, he found Calypso. A girl who'd spent most of her life stuck alone on a deserted island as punishment for siding with her father in a war long long ago.

Now, usually, Leo falls head over heels for literally any pretty girl he talks to━the best examples are Khione and Grace. And while he regrets Khione to a certain extent, Grace is a whole other matter that he'd totally be excited and eager to get into but he doesn't think anyone would care.

But with Calypso, it'd been different. He likes her, that much he's sure of. But it's not in the way he likes Grace. He could picture her clearly, scowling in his direction. She still holds a grudge for smacking her with that chair and knocking her out when he was possessed. Leo doesn't mind. He finds it funny when she's annoyed. He's also very interested in the fact her parents are mechanics. And of course, the fact that she's . . . just . . . wow. Her skin, a pretty sheen of warm autumn colors, big brown eyes, and lengthy black hair as perfectly straight as anything. And dimples! She has freakin' dimples when she smiles. It's awesome. She's awesome. And pretty and funny and━

Uh, yeah, that's the gist of it. What he means is, that he doesn't like-like Calypso. She's more of the older sister he never had. And the one person he's ever actually found that felt the way he did. Even if it was completely unspoken. He knew. And he hoped she did too.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now