x. jason fails his flying exam

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CHAPTER TEN  ───────────


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dress     TAYLOR SWIFT  "

JULY 12TH,  2010

"WORST KISS YOU'VE EVER HAD. Go," Piper grins through her palm.

          Elora laughs at that. "Interesting question," she muses, adjusting herself on the bed. She passes Hazel a glass of water from her bedside table when she sucks in an uncomfortably quick breath━indication that she's about to be sick again. "I think the obvious answer is my first kiss. It was with my first boyfriend's best friend when we were twelve. We used to laugh about it afterward but you know, let's just say there was a lot of tongue we didn't know how to use."

          This description seems to make Hazel more sick and she lets out a small pained sigh. Piper wrinkles her nose but finds it funny either way. And the other girl in the group, Annabeth, sits cross-legged next to Piper and can't help but smile just a little at her words. She'd been surprisingly louder than usual, less buried in her books. Something must have happened to make her come out of her depressing shell again.

          Elora's smile turns conspiratorial. "What about you, Piper? Give us your worst kiss."

          Piper suddenly finds this less funny. She'd walked right into that one. Especially because she knows that her worst kiss is definitely the one with Roma. No one even knows she kinda likes girls except Jason. She guesses there'd never be a better time than now. "Uh, it was with . . ." she pauses to build up confidence before blurting her name out. "Roma."

          The shocked silence afterward is deafening. Elora's mouth drops open and even Hazel suddenly looks interested in the conversation. But surprisingly, it's Annabeth who asks the question they're all dying to know the answer to. "When did you kiss Roma?" she asks softly, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear.

          Piper fidgets uncomfortably with her sleeve. "It was like, um, two weeks ago? I think. It was━ Gods, it was fucking embarrassing." She hides her face in her hands. "I can't believe I did that. Now I'll never hear the end of it from Jason. He keeps giving me those stupid looks like why did you do that? I don't know why I did it! She clearly likes . . ." Her voice trails off, glancing at Annabeth and then at the floor. Great, she'd just turned a fun little conversation into a depressing reminder of Percy and Roma. And she'd been ranting.

          "You like Roma?" Annabeth raises her eyebrows, seemingly unbothered. Or rather confused.

          Piper feels her face get warmer by the second. "Uh, yeah," she cringes.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now